At the heart of Zeynep Sertbulut’s class is the question of “culture” and its relation to human rights.
Ezgi Guner’s class is an anthropological exploration of empire, both as an analytical category and a historical phenomenon.
Thanks for Nothing by Professor and Chair of Sociology Matthew McKeever draws on 40 years of data to understand why the financial outlook for single mothers remains stagnant.
Bridging art history, environmental studies, and the humanities, this class explores the role of artists in confronting our escalating climate crisis.
This class encourages students to explore the philosophical dimensions of the psychoanalytic practice.
A leading scholar of music in the Renaissance, Freedman has spent the past decade exploring “the digital humanities rabbit hole.”
Highlighting faculty professional activities, including conferences, exhibitions, performances, awards, and publications.
The professor of environmental studies gives us a tour of his office.
Philadelphia’s Freedom Side School imagines future intersections between education and anti-carceral movements with a Haverford first-year writing seminar.
This hands-on class explores Japanese book arts and a wide range of printmaking processes.
For her latest book, Professor of Astronomy and Physics Karen Masters compiled a reading list of the best books in—and about—the universe.
Highlighting faculty professional activities, including conferences, exhibitions, performances, awards, and publications.
A discussion with administrators, faculty, and students probed the use of tools like ChatGPT on campus and AI’s place in higher education.
Schoneveld, a two-time national championship rower, is the College's Faculty Athletics Representative.
In Hee Sook Kim’s class, students explore the foundation of offset printing, the standard before the dawn of digital printing.