The philosopher taught at Haverford from 1966-89.
The associate professor of religion will use the support to study the activism and religious development of writer Grace Lee Boggs in Detroit this summer.
The current associate provost for equity and inclusive excellence at Bucknell University will become Haverford’s vice president for institutional equity and access and professor of religion and gender and sexuality studies on Aug. 15.
Highlighting faculty professional activities, including conferences, exhibitions, performances, awards, and publications.
The assistant professor of computer science and the assistant professor of psychology are collaborating on interdisciplinary research to understand artificially generated faces and the racial bias of how they are perceived.
The associate professor of chemistry is the inaugural recipient of the Silvia Ronco Innovative Mentor Award, honoring both her success in chemical sciences and her mentorship of undergraduate researchers.
This Bi-Co Education Program course empowers students to explore and enact theories of change and pathways of action in educational institutions and systems by drawing on fieldwork in disciplines from museum studies and social work to art and music.
This interdisciplinary anthropology seminar explores African notions of humanism and the human.
The associate professor of philosophy discusses writing and producing 80 Years Later, a new documentary about racial inheritance and Japanese American incarceration.
This first-year writing seminar explores the biggest questions in the Universe, along with other recent developments in astrophysics via a series of writing assignments.
The assistant professor of biology was awarded $421,197 from the National Institutes of Health to support her research on RNA-binding proteins.
This economics course, cross-listed in political science, explores the relationship between policy and economic outcomes in the United States, including the causes of rising inequality and its effects on American democracy.
This comparative literature and Spanish course explores, from a specifically Iberian perspective, the different ways humans have defined themselves in relation to animals in literary texts, cultural artifacts, and early philosophy.
This mathematics class is a probability-based survey of several finance topics, including exploring the mathematical foundation of derivatives.
The grant from the National Science Foundation will support the assistant professor of chemistry’s work in alkyne spectroscopy.