This religion course examines grassroots democratic coalitions and movements, and considers how they try to forge solidarity and build power across religious and racial divides.
This music course considers some of the many intersections between music and gender during the European Middle Ages, with particular attention to the roles of women as performers, composers, patrons, and audiences.
This political science class investigates the ways technological developments shape strategic interactions between states, as well as between states and non-state armed actors.
The professor emeritus of political science, who joined the Haverford faculty in 1960, died April 4.
This psychology course is a skill-building workshop in the many forms of communication central to psychological science, including writing funding requests, research proposals, empirical research reports, research reviews, and peer reviews.
The associate professor emeritus of history, who taught at Haverford for almost 30 years, died March 23.
The associate professor of political science will use the grant from the American Philosophical Society to fund her research on women’s access to justice in Benin.
The professor of mathematics and statistics was recognized for her accomplishments, including launching Haverford’s popular statistics minor.
The top American award in high-energy astrophysics was given to the team behind the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer, which includes Haverford Professor Andrea Lommen and Research Associate Wynn Ho.
The professor emeritus of psychology taught at Haverford for 51 years.
From March 22 through April 22, the College is gathering anonymous responses from students, faculty, and staff to assess the belonging and inclusion of our community members.
This advanced language course enhances students’ competence in the four skills in Chinese—speaking, listening, reading, and writing—by exploring music concepts and practices in China from Confucius writing on the topic to Peking Opera.
Highlighting faculty professional activities, including conferences, exhibitions, performances, awards, and publications.
Growing out of the ten-year-old Lagim Tehi Tuma/”Thinking Together” program, this education course explores transnational and diasporic Black language study and Black studies by engaging with a community in Northern Ghana.
This history course investigates the origins of income inequality in the contemporary world via intensive examination of the societies of early modern China and the Ottoman Empire.