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Patrick Montero
Sunday, August 10, 2014

In the Collection: Joseph S. Meyer Notebook

In the Collection: Joseph S. Meyer

Meyer joined the excavation of the ancient Sumerian city of Nippur in southern Iraq as an artist in 1894. His detailed notebook recording his observations of camp life and the dig site are held by Special Collections.

Pages from Joseph S. Meyer's Notebook: Exavacation in Niffer [Nippu], 1894. Photo: Thom Carroll Photography
Student performance group
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Then & Now: Student Performance Now

Then & Now: Student Performance

The students performing in this photo are The Lighted Fools. The show featured a sketch about attempting to rent a tiger from the Philadelphia Zoo, said Benjamin Gutierrez ’14 (front and center), but what was going on in this scene, “no one can remember.”

Missed yesterday’s photo? See student performance back “Then.”

Photo: Thom Carroll Photography.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Then and Now: Student Performance

Then & Now: Student Performance

“Students performing, 1976” was the only information provided for this photo from the College Archives. But the white costumes and the bells strapped to their shins suggest that they’re doing a Morris dance—a form of English folk dance dating to the 15th century.

Come back tomorrow to see student performance “Now”.

Can you tell us more about the photo or the group? Send a note to hc-editor [at] haverford.edu. Photo: Eugene Mopsik.
Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Long and Wining Road

Five Fords who make, sell, champion, and study wine have found that following their hearts in the direction of an oenophile career—or business venture—has opened up a world of opportunities.

Read the feature article in the Spring/Summer 2014 issue of Haverford Magazine.

Chemistry major Alissa Aron ’11 traveled the world on a Watson Fellowship studying the science and art of winemaking. Photo: John Consoli.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

2014 Study Abroad Photo Contest – Cultural Encounters

“Studying abroad enriched my academic experience by exposing me to new perspectives and encouraging me to critically reevaluate my existing intellectual assumptions.” – Ben Wohl ’14

Each year more than 130 Haverford students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2014 Study Abroad photo contest 3rd place winner Olivia Rauss '15, "Reflections of Harbin’s History", Cultural Encounters category.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Where They’re Headed: Robert Brooks ’14

Where They’re Headed

Biology major Robert Brooks ’14 will begin his education as an Air Force doctor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Students have opportunities for research in prominent laboratories thanks to the school’s Bethesda, Md., location.

Part of the Where They’re Headed series in the Haverblog.

Robert Brooks in front of the National Institutes of Health, where he spent the previous two summers as an intern working on cancer research.
