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Patrick Montero
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bret Mulligan – Office Hour

“I really like, in all my classes, to bring in cultural elements to remind my students that these were real people,” says Associate Professor of Classics Bret Mulligan, who teaches ancient Greek and Latin language classes as well as courses on literature, mythology, and history.

Read Office Hour in the Spring/Summer 2014 issue of Haverford Magazine.

Mulligan has an office crammed with classical literature, books, and a sizable collection of reproductions of artifacts to help students understand the lives of those who lived in the ancient world. Photo: Thom Carroll Photography
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Then and Now: The Sunken Lounge Now

Then and Now: The Sunken Lounge Now

It was a long and remarkably snowy winter, and the fireplace in the DC served as a welcome respite from the cold. Students often study, eat dinner, or enjoy special events in front of its warming glow whenever it is lit.

Missed yesterday’s photo? See the Sunken Lounge back “Then.”

Pictured (from left) Jeanna Kenney '16, Shakira King '17, Damon Motz-Storey '16, and Matt da Silva '14. Photo: Brad Larrison.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Then and Now: The Sunken Lounge

Then and Now: The Sunken Lounge

Part of the Dining Center since its 1969 opening, the fireplace in the Sunken Lounge has long served as a meeting place and study space for students looking to warm up, as these organic chemistry students circa 1990 show.

Come back tomorrow to see the Sunken Lounge “Now”.

Do you recognize any of these ’90s-era Fords? Let us know by emailing hc-editor [at] haverford.edu (subject: Sunken%20Lounge%20Photo) . Photo: College Archives.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014


What I appreciate so much about the OAR is that they recognize that academic performance is so closely tied to a variety of other factors in a student’s life. When I meet with the staff, I’m not simply talking about my classes or my schedule, but we’re also discussing life and the factors of being a student that can impede my ability to be academically efficient in the way that I want to be.
— a current student

Monday, August 18, 2014

Student Filmmakers Document Oil Spill Researchers on the Gulf Coast

Four students are participating in Haverford College’s newly launched Interdisciplinary Documentary Media Fellowship focusing on the enduring consequences of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

“It became apparent that there were numerous stories to be told, and the visually stimulating environment of the Gulf of Mexico easily lent itself to a collaboration with a visual medium.” – Prof. Helen White

Sunday, August 17, 2014

What They Learned: Abigail Flynn ’14

What They Learned

Political science major Abigail Flynn’s senior thesis examined the Supreme Court’s influence on state legislative action on the death penalty.

Part of the What They Learned Haverblog series that explores the thesis work of members of the Class of 2014.

Photo: Josh Begley, Prison Map. Featured in the Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery exhibition Prison Obscura, which used rarely seen prisoner-made photographs to shed light on the prison industrial complex.
Thursday, August 14, 2014

What They Learned: Robert Brooks ’14

What They Learned

Biology major Robert Brooks is working toward a career in healthcare and will be attending medical school under the auspices of the U.S. Air Force. His desire to help people through science was partially inspired by his senior research into a worm called C. elegans.

Part of the What They Learned Haverblog series that explores the thesis work of members of the Class of 2014.

Blistered bli-5 worms under the microscope.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Ag Life for Them

Fay Strongin ’10 and Sarah Turkus ’10 discovered a shared passion for food and farming as students. Now the two friends are running Sidewalk Ends Farm in Providence, R.I.

Read the feature article in the Spring/Summer 2014 issue of Haverford Magazine.

Strongin (left) and Turkus were Haverford roommates. Now they are partners in an urban farm.
Monday, August 11, 2014

2014 Study Abroad Photo Contest – Portraits

Studying abroad enriched my academic experience by exposing me to new perspectives and encouraging me to critically reevaluate my existing intellectual assumptions.” – Ben Wohl ’14

Each year more than 130 Haverford students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2014 Study Abroad photo contest 2nd place winner Jennie Willemsen '15, "Furry Friend", Portraits category.
