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Patrick Montero
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Where They’re Headed: Mariah Braxton ’14

Where They’re Headed

Though many Growth and Structure of Cities majors become urban planners and architects, Mariah Braxton ’14 knew she wanted to pursue a different career path. After receiving guidance from her thesis advisor and Haverford’s Center for Career and Professional Advising, she finally discovered the right fit: a consulting position at IBM.

Part of the Where They’re Headed series in the Haverblog.

Braxton shakes hands with President Weiss at Commencement 2014. “Where They’re Headed” is a series of occasional blog posts reporting on the post-Haverford plans of members of the Class of 2014. Photo by Jim Roese.
Thursday, June 12, 2014

2014 Study Abroad Photo Contest – Ford Faces

Studying abroad enriched my academic experience by exposing me to new perspectives and encouraging me to critically reevaluate my existing intellectual assumptions..” – Ben Wohl ’14

Each year more than 130 Haverford students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2014 Study Abroad photo contest second place winner Ryan Gilliom '15, “Thanksgiving Day Elephant Ride”, Ford Faces category.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

In the Collection: William Penn

In the Collection: William Penn

William Penn’s 1687 publication of The Excellent Priviledge of Liberty & Property was the first American printing of his translation of the Magna Carta, and Haverford’s copy is the only surviving complete example.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

CPGC Summer Interns

The Center for Peace and Global Citizenship supports an array of domestic and international summer internships for students that aim to deepen Haverford’s connections with social change organizations and to encourage an integrated approach to pressing social, cultural and ethical concerns while promoting scholarship and teaching about the critical issues of our day.

Summer interns will be sharing their experiences on the CPGC's Global Citizen blog. Photo by Allie Lake '14, who is interning in Peru.
Thursday, June 5, 2014

WHRC Returns

Haverford has more than 145 groups that publish magazines, host symposia, sing a cappella, discuss religion and spirituality, stay politically active, maintain a system of student self-government, dance, demonstrate and create.

Former WHRC General Manager Fairleigh Barnes '13 helps stream a broadcast live from the Sunken Lounge and online. Photo: Brad Larrison.
