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Patrick Montero
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Study Abroad Photo Contest

Studying abroad enriched my academic experience by exposing me to new perspectives and encouraging me to critically reevaluate my existing intellectual assumptions.” – Ben Wohl ’14

Each year more than 130 Haverford students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2015 Study Abroad photo contest 1st place winner Sarah Eppler-Epstein ‘15, "Brick Maker", People category.
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Then and Now: Whitall Hall Now

Then and Now: Whitall Hall Now

In 1972, Whitall Hall was torn down to improve the view of (and from) the newly built Dining Center. The spot is now a busy crossroads on campus, especially at meal times.

Missed yesterday’s photo? See Whitall Hall back “Then.”

Do you remember Whitall? Send your recollections to hc-editor [at] haverford.edu.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Then & Now: Whitall Hall Then

Then & Now: Whitall Hall

Whitall Hall, which once stood next to Gest, cost $5,000 to build in 1896 and originally housed woodworking and machine shops, a drafting studio, and an “electric lighting engine.” A 1929 renovation replaced the shops with classrooms and professors’ offices.

Come back tomorrow to see Whitall Hall “Now.”

Do you remember Whitall? Send your recollections to hc-editor [at] haverford.edu. Photo: Courtesy Special Collections.
Sunday, May 17, 2015

KINSC Scientific Imaging Contest

The KINSC Scientific Imaging Contest is an annual competition for student-submitted images from experiments or simulations that are scientifically intriguing as well as aesthetically pleasing. Judging is based on both the quality of the image and the explanation of the underlying science.

Matteo Miazzo '15, Tracer particles showing paths of individual tracers, which have been randomly colored to distinguish between different particles. 2014-15 Second Place Winner.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

In the Collection: Letter from Frederick Douglass

In the Collection: Letter from Frederick Douglass

This 1859 letter from Frederick Douglass is part of a collection of more than 100 letters held by Special Collections written by an array of 19th-century abolitionists and others to Philadelphia businessman and Quaker Benjamin Coates.

"In the Collection" highlights some of the rare and marvelous items that are part of Magill Library's Special Collections. Photo: Thom Carroll Photography
'Of Tomorrow' exhibit image
Monday, May 11, 2015

Student Exhibitions

DROPSHOT, an experimental gallery and performance space in the old squash courts of Ryan, gives students a venue to showcase their artwork.

"Of Tomorrow", featuring the work of Miji Ryu '16, was one of two recent exhibits also supported by the John B. Hurford ’60 Center for the Arts and Humanities (HCAH) Student Arts Fund. Photo: Brad Larrison
Sunday, May 10, 2015

KINSC Scientific Imaging Contest

The KINSC Scientific Imaging Contest is an annual contest for student-submitted images from experiments or simulations that are scientifically intriguing as well as aesthetically pleasing. Judging is based on both the quality of the image and the explanation of the underlying science.

Rui Fang '17, A plastic fork viewed through crossed polarizers shows beautiful multicolored patterns, 2014-15 Second Place Winner.
