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Patrick Montero
Monday, July 6, 2015

Where They’re Headed: Fangyu Xiong ’15

Where They’re Headed

Fangyu Xiong ’15 is starting work at Facebook’s headquarters in August as a software development engineer.

“Haverford has a well-rounded education, rather than [just] being career oriented,” he says. “I actually think that I [spent] more time playing music than coding!”

Part of the Where They’re Headed series in the Haverblog.

Xiong credits his liberal arts education with not only teaching him how to code but how to strive to use that skill to help people.
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Study Abroad Photo Contest

I returned from study abroad a more thoughtful student and citizen, as well as a much better navigator!” – Grace Mangigian ’16

Each year more than 130 Haverford students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2015 Study Abroad photo contest 3rd place winner Lindsay Silver ‘15, "La Catedral", Places category.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Study Abroad Photo Contest

I returned from study abroad a more thoughtful student and citizen, as well as a much better navigator!” – Grace Mangigian ’16

Each year more than 130 Haverford students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2015 Study Abroad photo contest 2nd place winner Sarah Moses '16, "Old Town Cemetery", Places category.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Where They’re Headed: Sarah Wolberg ’15

Where They’re Headed

Sarah Wolberg ’15 is working in communications office of the Barnes Foundation, the Philadelphia museum that holds one of the finest collections of Post-Impressionist and early Modern paintings.

Part of the Where They’re Headed series in the Haverblog.

Since finding museum management as a career path, Wolberg has begun working with the HCAH and the CCPA to promote similar opportunities to students.
Monday, June 29, 2015

CPGC Summer Interns

The Center for Peace and Global Citizenship supports an array of domestic and international summer internships for students that aim to deepen Haverford’s connections with social change organizations and to encourage an integrated approach to pressing social, cultural and ethical concerns while promoting scholarship and teaching about the critical issues of our day.

Summer interns are sharing their experiences on the CPGC's Global Citizen blog. Photo by Sunny Zheng '16, who is interning in Cambodia.
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fine Arts at Haverford

The Fine Arts at Haverford emphasize the individual. Studio classes are small and all students—from beginners to declared majors—receive individual, focused instruction, and are encouraged to develop the physical and critical skills necessary to create art.

2015 Fine Arts Senior Thesis Exhibition, Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery. Photo: Lisa Boughter.
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Where They’re Headed: Marcus Levy ’15

Where They’re Headed

Marcus Levy ’15, who majored in Spanish and minored in independent health studies, is spending the next year as a Center for Peace and Global Citizenship fellow at La Casa de Los Amigos in Mexico City.

Part of the Where They’re Headed series in the Haverblog.

Levy’s role will be to support La Casa’s mission by acting as a liaison between the nonprofit and its partner organizations, helping to promote the local economy.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Haverford’s small size makes possible a highly personalized, hands-on educational experience. Professors work side-by-side with students to do high-level research while also developing analytical thinking and pushing the boundaries of each discipline.
