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Patrick Montero
Shannon Murphy: The Ecology of Nostalgia
Friday, April 1, 2016

Shannon Murphy: The Ecology of Nostalgia

Shannon Murphy: The Ecology of Nostalgia
Through April 4, 2016
Alcove Gallery, Magill Library

This body of work focuses on the artist's connection to a place and a process, using the landscape surrounding her childhood home as visual inspiration.Details »

Knothills III, 2014, 18 x 24 inches, Gouache, etching and monotype.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016



Fords enjoy myriad traditional events such as the Collection speaker series; pinwheel day; the annual weekend throwdown at the end of the year called Haverfest; and, most importantly, Fall and Spring Plenary.

On April Fool’s Day, students from the science departments deck the KINSC with decorations, such as these Harry Potter-themed banners in the Rotunda. Photo: Patrick Montero.
Ankur Arya '12
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ankur Arya '12

Political Science major and education minor Ankur Arya '12 is a teacher who created a program to help students earn admission to Delaware's top public and private high schools.

Read "Lighting the Way" in the Winter 2016 issue of Haverford magazine.

Ankur Arya '12 in his classroom at Thomas A. Edison Charter School in Wilmington, Delaware. Photo: Tessa Marie Images.

Strange Truth
Monday, March 28, 2016

Strange Truth Film Series

The John B. Hurford ’60 Center for the Arts and Humanities seeks to enhance the intellectual and cultural life at Haverford by fostering challenging exchange among faculty, students, and diverse communities of writers, artists, performers, thinkers, activists, and innovators.

The Sea [is still] from filmmaker Hope Tucker's The Obituary Project; watch the film and meet the filmmaker on Wednesday, March 30 in Chase Auditorium. Learn more about this event and the Hurford Center's Strange Truth film series.

Clove Cake in pan
Friday, March 25, 2016


The Library's Dig Into The Archives series recently took a look at historical recipes. We wondered what the food would taste like, so we are beginning a series called Cooking the Collection on the Haverblog and on the college’s official Facebook page, featuring some of these old-timey sweets.  

Clove cake, an aromatic, almost bread-like dessert that’s best eaten warm. Recipes have been modified with modern measurements and instructions, and have easy-to-follow, step-by-step videos. Photo: Patrick Montero

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Study Abroad Photo Contest

Studying abroad enriched my academic experience by exposing me to new perspectives and encouraging me to critically reevaluate my existing intellectual assumptions.” – Ben Wohl ’14

Each year more than 130 Haverford students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2015 Study Abroad photo contest 1st place winner Sarah Eppler-Epstein ‘15, "Rooftop Kite Flyer", Cultural Encounters category.
Student presenting
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Haverford Effective Altruism student club

Haverford Effective Altruism (HEA) is a student club inspired by the social and philosophical movement of “effective altruism,” which utilizes logic, reason, and evidence to find the best ways to give back and improve the world.

Arjun Khandelwal '17, co-leader with Maria-Veronica Rojas '19 of Haverford Effective Altruism, introduces a talk by Drexel professor and longtime animal-rights advocate Harish Sethu, “Who We Eat (And Why We Should Care).” Photo: Caleb Eckert '17

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Studying Historical "Madness"

History is essential to a free and enlightened citizenry and forms a cornerstone of the liberal arts education at Haverford College. Our varied curriculum encourages students to analyze and interpret the past from many different perspectives and to recognize their own role in writing “history.” 

Students in Associate Professor Darin Hayton's "Madness" seminar use primary sources from Friends' Asylum to explore the history of mental illness treatments. Photo: Patrick Montero

Professor Philip Meneely in office
Monday, March 21, 2016

Office Hour - Philip Meneely

Professor of Biology Philip Meneely, who came to Haverford in 1995, has been working with the nematode worm C. elegans for more than 40 years. Most recently, his lab has studied how genes interact with each other to produce their effects. 

Read Office Hour in the Winter 2016 issue of Haverford Magazine.

Philip Meneely's office features baseball memorabilia, a poster from the abbey where Gregor Mendel lived and worked as a monk, and a ceiling tile that chronicles some notable moments from his life. Photo: Caleb Eckert '17
