Haverford Headlines

Chen, a sophomore, steps onto the national fencing stage at Penn State University later this month.

Legendary track and field coach Tom Donnelly and alternative death care pioneer Katrina Spade ’99 will receive honorary degrees at Commencement.

Thanks for Nothing by Professor and Chair of Sociology Matthew McKeever draws on 40 years of data to understand why the financial outlook for single mothers remains stagnant.
The assistant professor of linguistics has won multiple grants for work on historical manuscripts written in the Zapotec language.
Okeke, a professor of biology, is the lead author of a study with Manning, a professor of mathematics and statistics, and another researcher that used computer simulation to study Ebola outbreaks and ways to reduce the spread of the deadly virus.
The associate professor of political science writes about the uphill struggle for peace in Mali on ReliefWeb.
The Board has begun deliberations about Haverford's path forward.
The associate professor of political science makes a provocative argument that the U.S. should not destroy al Qaeda if it wants to defeat ISIS.
The assistant professor of political science was awarded the William and Frederick C. Mosher Award for outstanding academic article published in the "Public Administration Review" in 2014.
The 2014 World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates was moved from Cape Town to Rome, allowing five IES Abroad students to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Haverford's 14th president will be president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The associate professor of anthropology at George Washington University is one of the co-authors of a report on the discovery of a lower jaw with teeth in Ethiopia that pushes back evidence for the human genus to 2.8 million years ago.
Several Haverford alums and students, along with Quaker Affairs director Walter Sullivan, helped the Earth Quaker Action Team in its efforts to get the bank to cut financing of coal companies.
The co-founder of Final Form Games is interviewed about a plan to turn Philadelphia into a national video gaming hub.
The Stanford University medical student at is the lead author of a study on LGBT identity disclosure among students pursuing undergraduate medical training in the U.S. and Canada. The study found that most choose to stay "in the closet."
The familiar face on hit TV shows "Lost" and now "Hawaii Five-o" recently made his directorial debut on the Big Island crime-fighting drama -- a story picked up widely.
Lea, a professor of earth science at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Richardson, a world-renowned glass sculptor, are featured in a post on art, investment, science, and climate change.
The PennDesign assistant professor has helped stop demolition of St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia, which was designed by the famed architect, says "The Daily Pennsylvanian" newspaper.
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