Marian E. Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center
Poster Printing
The KINSC houses two poster printers in L204 for use by all science students. Faculty should notify the KINSC assistants in advance of any upcoming poster sessions and requests by students for printing. Students must request an appointment to print a poster via email to the KINSC assistants at
Poster Printer Guidelines
- You can create your poster using one of our available Templates linked below.
- Please refrain from using a color background and overall please limit the color to no more than 30% of the total area of the template.
- Once your poster is complete, save the file as a PDF and email it to
- If you have created your poster on a Mac, please review the PDF carefully or on a PC for formatting issues before sending the file for printing.
- Please proofread your poster carefully and have your mentor approve the final copy before you send it to the KINSC office to be printed. Poster paper and ink resources are limited, and you will only be allowed to print your poster once.
- You will be notified via email when your poster is ready for pick up.
- Posters should be picked up in a timely fashion from the KINSC office, L204. Any posters left unclaimed after one week will be recycled and will not be reprinted.
Poster Template
Formatting in PowerPoint: To create a poster slide, create a new blank slide. Then select "Design" then "Set up" then "Slide sized for: Custom” and change the measurements to the size of your poster in inches (i.e., 36” x 48”, or 40" x 40").
Academic poster sizes can vary widely. If you are uncertain about what poster dimension is best for your poster, please check in with your research mentor/advisor, or refer to any specific conference guidelines when available.