The circa-1925 machine shop in long-gone Whitall Hall was a prime teaching tool for the engineering program of the time.
Marian E. Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center
Scientific Instrument Fabrication Facility (SIFF)
The Scientific Instrument Fabrication Facility (SIFF) turns the ideas of Haverford community members into functional objects and equipment.
Located in the Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center (KINSC), the SIFF is run by Research Instrument Maker Scott Sowden. The SIFF has a comprehensive array of machining, design, fabrication, assembly, repair, and support capabilities. In addition to building and repairing instrumentation for scientific research, the SIFF partners with instructors to support teaching labs and classroom demonstrations, and works with students to support independent research and outreach projects. Scott is happy to work with you regardless of your experience level. Whether you have detailed schematics or a rough concept, the SIFF will meet your needs.
Contact Scott to initiate discussions about your project and specific requirements.
We are located at ground floor level in the KINSC, Lab E013.