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Patrick Montero
Dancers in formal attire in Founders Hall.
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Then & Now: Formal Dance

Then & Now: Formal Dance

At this circa 1940 formal dance in Founders Hall, a 14-piece band provided the music for dancers wearing tuxedos and evening gowns.

Come back tomorrow to see "formal dances" at Haverford “Now”.

Photo: College Archives

Ken Koltun-Fromm in his office.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Office Hour - Ken Koltun-Fromm '88

Professor of Religion Ken Koltun-Fromm '88 was a religion major at Haverford before becoming a professor in 1997. Since then, he’s been teaching courses in modern Jewish thought and culture, as well as material studies.

Read Office Hour in the Spring/Summer 2016 issue of Haverford Magazine.

Ken's office features an Israeli newspaper article on beer brewing, his Haverford graduation day photo, and a few of the religion-themed comics he has collected. Photo: Patrick Montero

Professor Philip Meneely in office
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Office Hour - Philip Meneely

Professor of Biology Philip Meneely, who came to Haverford in 1995, has been working with the nematode worm C. elegans for more than 40 years. Most recently, his lab has studied how genes interact with each other to produce their effects. 

Read Office Hour in the Winter 2016 issue of Haverford Magazine.

Philip Meneely's office features baseball memorabilia, a poster from the abbey where Gregor Mendel lived and worked as a monk, and a ceiling tile that chronicles some notable moments from his life. Photo: Caleb Eckert '17

Study Abroad Photo Contest
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Study Abroad Photo Contest

“Studying abroad was educational in more ways than I ever thought it could be. I experienced a new culture and a new language, and gained valuable new perspectives.” – Rachel Grunden ’16

Each year more than 130 Haverford students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2016 Study Abroad photo contest 2nd place winner Anthony Marqusee '16, "Fellow Tourists", People category.
Friday, July 8, 2016

Sharing A Hobby, Faith, or Mission With Your Roommates

The 11 upperclass students who live in Music and Arts House came together last spring to create a space for artists to collaborate and share their work with the greater Haverford community. Their home was one of five community houses to have its application approved by the Residential Life Committee. They now serve the campus with programming and events.

The “backyard barbecue bonanza” was a kickoff of sorts for the Music and Arts House. Photo by Alana Thurston '16.
