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Patrick Montero
Brie Gettleson
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Magill Library

Magill Library houses more than half a million volumes and provides access to 2.5 million more through a catalog system that connects it to libraries at neighboring Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore Colleges.

Summer Reading is a series that asks Haverford’s librarians and library staff for book recommendations that will enlighten, entertain, and educate you during this vacation season. Social Science Librarian Brie Gettleson suggests three non-fiction titles that will help expand your worldview. Photo: Patrick Montero.

Scientific imaging contest winner
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

KINSC Scientific Imaging Contest

The KINSC Scientific Imaging Contest is an annual competition for student-submitted images from experiments or simulations that are scientifically intriguing as well as aesthetically pleasing. Judging is based on both the quality of the image and the explanation of the underlying science.

Kate Rose Sullivan '18, Image demonstrating the cellular distribution of the glycoepitopes (green) within macrophages that are actively releasing calreticulin. 2016-17 Second Place Winner.
Letter from Andrew Hamilton
Monday, May 29, 2017

In the Collection: Alexander Hamilton Letters

Among the holdings in Special Collections' vast Charles Roberts Autograph Letters Collection are a number of letters written by Alexander Hamilton—who, though he's been dead for more than 200 years, has become just about the hottest Founding Father ever, thanks to the smash broadway musical Hamilton.

"In the Collection" highlights some of the rare and marvelous items that are part of Magill Library's Special Collections. Photo: Patrick Montero.

Teacher in front of students in classroom
Friday, May 26, 2017

Academic Partnerships

Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and Swarthmore students take classes at all three schools and frequently collaborate on extracurricular activities.  

A recent open classroom event, exploring “the everyday language of racism,” brought together Swarthmore and Haverford classes and showcased the strength of Linguistics, the first Tri-College department.

Assistant Professor of Linguistics Brook Lillehaugen (Haverford, standing center) and Assistant Professor of Linguistics Jamie Thomas (Swarthmore, standing left) hosted an open discussion with students, faculty, and staff in Founders Common Room.

3 dancers performing
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Mixed Media

Professional dancer Dana Nichols '14, an English Major and Africana Studies Concentratordiscovered the Philadelphia Dance Company— known as Philadanco—as a sophomore on her first trip to West Philadelphia. Now an apprentice in the first company and a principal dancer in the second, Nichols went straight from Haverford to Philadanco.

Read her story in the Winter 2017 issue of Haverford magazine.

Dana Nichols ‘14 (left) performing with dance company Philadanco. Photo: Caleb Eckert '17

Young boy staring into the camera and smiling
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Study Abroad Photo Contest

“I never understood what a 'life-changing' experience was until I went to Rome. I walked in with eyes half-lidded and walked out with a new respect for the beauty of the world and its infinite complexities.” – Zakery Oglesby '17

Each year more than 130 Haverford students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2017 Study Abroad photo contest 1st place winner in the Cultural Encounters category: Gabriel Oppler '17, "James Enjoying the View", Loma del Tigre, Orellana Province, Ecuador.
Detailed view of scalariform pitting on a stem xylem tracheid of Psaronius
Monday, May 22, 2017

KINSC Scientific Imaging Contest

The KINSC Scientific Imaging Contest is an annual competition for student-submitted images from experiments or simulations that are scientifically intriguing as well as aesthetically pleasing. Judging is based on both the quality of the image and the explanation of the underlying science.

Gabe Oppler '17, Detailed view of scalariform pitting on a stem xylem tracheid of Psaronius, an extinct tree fern from the Pennsylvanian subperiod of the Carboniferous (323-299 Ma). 2016-17 Third Place Winner.
A wall covered with various interpretations of the letter S
Friday, May 19, 2017

Then & Now: CFG Now

Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery

The Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery now mounts four group or solo exhibitions each year, including shows by faculty artists. Visitors at the January opening of ALL BIG LETTERS, curated by RJ Rushmore '14, explored a survey of the styles, tools, and methods graffiti writers have adopted over the decades. 

Missed yesterday’s photo? See the Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery back “Then“.

Evan Roth's "Graffiti Taxonomy," which shows 140 different ways that "writers" have represented the letter "S." Photo: Caleb Eckert '17.
