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Patrick Montero

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A wall covered with various interpretations of the letter S
Friday, May 19, 2017

Then & Now: CFG Now

Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery

The Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery now mounts four group or solo exhibitions each year, including shows by faculty artists. Visitors at the January opening of ALL BIG LETTERS, curated by RJ Rushmore '14, explored a survey of the styles, tools, and methods graffiti writers have adopted over the decades. 

Missed yesterday’s photo? See the Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery back “Then“.

Evan Roth's "Graffiti Taxonomy," which shows 140 different ways that "writers" have represented the letter "S." Photo: Caleb Eckert '17.

Bode Wang photographs
Friday, March 31, 2017

Fenghuang Landscape and Miao (Hmong) Culture

Through April 15, 2017
Alcove Gallery, Magill Library

Through his lens, Miao (Hmong) scholar Bode Wang illustrates a colorful and sophisticated world of the Miao nationality. On exhibition is a sampling of his photos which demonstrate the environment, human communities, social customs, and religious practices of his hometown. Details »

Exhibition sponsors include the Bi-Co East Asian Languages and Cultures Department and the Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment. Photo: Bode Wang.

Friday, May 19, 2017 Thursday, May 18, 2017 Friday, March 31, 2017