Health and Wellness Resources

Take Good Care Health & Wellbeing at Haverford

Members of the Haverford College community take pride in being part of a community of care.

This care takes on many forms and is woven into the fabric of the college. “Taking Good Care” at Haverford can mean focusing on personal health and wellbeing needs, taking the time to extend care and support to others, and/or investing in community values and needs. This site provides resources and strategies for those seeking care as well as those hoping to offer care.

If you are worried about a student who may be struggling or exhibiting concerning behavior, or if you have concerns surrounding alleged violations of Haverford policies, you can submit a report using the button provided below. If you have an immediate concern about the wellbeing of a student on campus, please contact Campus Safety at 610-896-1111.

Submit a Concern

Eight Dimensions of Wellness

Health and wellness is more than the absence of disease and encompasses our quality of life and overall well being. While students can take individual steps to prioritize their health and wellness, Haverford recognizes that structural support is needed to bolster students’ efforts. Haverford College strives to address each of SAMSHA’s eight dimensions of wellness through both our campus resources and community partners. The dimensions of wellness are interdependent, meaning strengthening one dimension can have positive impacts on others. Ultimately, working toward balance in our lives and seeking out support from others to do so can lead to greater fulfillment and overall well being. Use the 8 dimensions of wellness to learn how you can Take Good Care of Yourself, Take Good Care of Others, and Take Good Care of your Community.

Learn more about each dimension of wellness and where you can receive education and support.

Key Staff Members

Director of Health and Wellbeing Education
ccarr1 [at]

Haverford College is dedicated to creating a culture of health and wellbeing on campus, providing individualized and campus-wide education, and connecting students with the resources needed to contribute positively to their health and wellbeing. Our health and wellbeing education is holistic, evidence-based, and tailored to the unique needs of Haverford students.

To schedule an appointment with Cary Carr, Director of Health and Wellbeing Education, please email ccarr1 [at] or call 610-896-1089. Students can contact Cary to inquire about educational programs and workshops on topics including bystander intervention, alcohol and other drug use, and sexual health. Additionally, students can receive individualized education and support, as well as referrals to campus and community resources as needed.

Divisional Case Manager
jurbine [at]

Jen Urbine, the Nonclinical Case Manager at Haverford College, works in deep partnership with students as they navigate their holistic care and wellness needs. This partnership draws on each student’s strengths, interests, and needs, all while honoring their intersectionality of identities. The Case Manager facilitates connections with a variety of on and off campus wellbeing resources and supports, helps students navigate insurance and related processes, and provides guidance for students navigating time away from the college.

The Case Manager at Haverford is a non confidential support and collaborates with many departments on campus including Health Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, and the Advising Deans, and serves on the CARE Team.

To connect with the nonclinical Case Manager at Haverford College, please reach out to Jen Urbine at jurbine [at] or 610-896-4241.