About Me...
See BenjaminLe.com for my CV, PDFs of publications, and a brief bio-sketch
- I currently serve in several roles at Haverford College, where I am...
- ...the Associate Provost for Faculty Development at Haverford College, with responsibilities related to hiring new tenure-track faculty, new faculty orientation and mentoring, reappointment/tenure/promotion, external reviews, academic advising, and various forms of professional development and support
- ...an Advising Dean for students whose last names start with "L"
- ...a Professor of Psychology
Come talk to me about...
- ...open science methods like preregistration, open materials, open data, computational reproducibility, sharing data analytic code; replication; meta-science; the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) and the Center for Open Science (COS) [learn more here]
- ...inclusion and access in psychology (and in higher education more broadly)
- ...careers in UX research, tech/social media, human resources and organizational management, speech-language pathology, business/marketing, and other fields that use psychological theory and research methods in applied settings
- ...faculty hiring/review processes and development opportunities
- ...travel, music, photography, biking (a few of my hobbies)
- ...California, where I grew up, and still miss dearly
- ...YOU! I want to hear about your interests and goals. What brought you to Haverford? What are your favorite classes or areas of study? What do you hope to accomplish at Haverford and after graduation?
- ...or anything else that strikes your fancy!
Links & Useful Resources
- HC's Office of Academic Resources (OAR)
- HC's Access & Disability Services (ADS)
- HC's Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
- Student Health & Wellness resources at HC
- Haverford Psychology Department Student Guidebook (for policies and tips on navigating our department and major/minor)
- Haverford Psychology Department Home Page
Student Research
- 2024-25: I am serving in the Provost's and Dean's Offices this year, so I do not currently have opportunities for student research available.
- 2025-27: Due to anticipated administrative responsibilities and an upcoming sabbatical, it is unlikely that I will be able to offer student research opportunities.