By analyzing compounds from animal bones, archaeologist Kevin P. Smith '81 and colleagues are revealing climate conditions in the distant past.
Chen, a sophomore, steps onto the national fencing stage at Penn State University later this month.
Legendary track and field coach Tom Donnelly and alternative death care pioneer Katrina Spade ’99 will receive honorary degrees at Commencement.
Thanks for Nothing by Professor and Chair of Sociology Matthew McKeever draws on 40 years of data to understand why the financial outlook for single mothers remains stagnant.
By analyzing compounds from animal bones, archaeologist Kevin P. Smith '81 and colleagues are revealing climate conditions in the distant past.
Campus played host to over 1100 people from 41 states—and countries as far away as India, Kenya, England, and Sweden—for dinners, panel discussions, readings, parties, and reunions with old friends.
The psychology major and economics and neuroscience minor is bound for the most magical place on earth.
The chemistry major’s senior thesis research, conducted with chemistry faculty members Lou Charkoudian’03 and Casey Londergan, was recently published in Nature Communications.
The English major informed their analysis of comedy writer P.G. Wodehouse through an incorporation of techniques common to computer science.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science Sorelle Friedler discusses how she and her collaborators will use a recent award from Mozilla to expand pedagogical efforts to emphasize the importance of ethics in computer science.
This past December, Joan Gabel '88 was named president of the University of Minnesota, making her the first woman to be appointed to that post in the university's 167-year-history.
The chemistry major’s thesis began as an attempt to apply the techniques that her advisor uses to study oil to honeybee health, but quickly became a lesson on the importance of flexibility in the lab.
Personal experience with volunteer work became a valuable research tool for the sociology major.
Essayist and senior managing editor of Washingtonian magazine Bill O'Sullivan '83 on why you should attend Alumni Weekend 2019.
The mathematics major and environmental studies minor uses mathematical tools to study honeybee populations.
On May 18, the College held its 181st Commencement ceremony, celebrating the accomplishments of the Class of 2019.
We’re memorializing every minute of the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2019. #haverford19!
Jonny Cookmeyer '17, Gebby Keny '14, May Helena Plumb '16, and Wilson Sinclair '15 received fellowships from the National Science Foundation that will support their graduate education and research.
The 8th annual showcase of student films and multimedia projects brought together artists and audiences from Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and Swarthmore.
*We have a very tiny magic 8 ball.