The following message was sent to the Campus community on Tuesday, March 18.
On behalf of Implementation Committee 2030 (IC2030), students and colleagues are warmly invited to open community meetings about the implementation of our strategic plan, Better Learning, Broader Impact – Haverford 2030.
The College’s hallowed holiday light competition returns, adding a bright spot to a stressful time of year for Fords.
The prospective English major spent the summer working with Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo, which searches for those who disappeared during the country’s civil war.
Niyodusenga worked at the Dalun Information, Communication, and Technology Center, a critical space for young people in nearby communities to gather and learn important technological skills.
Pereda Figueroa spent the summer back home in Puerto Rico working with Editora Educación Emergente, a publishing company dedicated to releasing non-traditional works.
This summer, the prospective chemistry major leveraged her studies and interest in medicine to support the city’s African Family Health Organization.
Through a virtual internship this summer, King is conducting a principal component analysis of 3,783 guide dog puppies.
The prospective political science major is engaged in two part-time summer experiences. Both are focused on the effects of criminal justice and the carceral system across the state.
Summer Centered: Haitong Lian '27 Studies the Locomotion of Carolina Wolf Spiders on Complex Terrain
The prospective physics major has gained valuable hands-on experience in her quest to improve the lives of others through medical engineering.
For Davis, a prospective biology major, the research she’s pursuing at Haverford is deeply personal.
One of three Hurford Center creative interns, Otterbein is spending the summer as a programs intern for Abortion Access Front and creating a zine designed to educate the College community.
While birdwatching is the club’s core activity, with weekly walks around campus, members also delve into bird biology, photography, ethics, conservation, and more.
Improved landscaping, an accessible walkway, and dark-sky-friendly lighting have transformed the College’s border along Ardmore’s historically Black neighborhood.
In honor of the late influential bassist Robert Black, musicians lined Haverford’s Nature Trail for a Network for New Music performance with deep connections to nature.