Haverford Headlines

  • The owner of Vermont's Hill Farmstead Brewery is profiled for both the excellence of his beer and its limited availability (he makes only 60,000 gallons a year).

  • Hip Hop Fundamentals, which Wong co-founded to use hip hop to teach Philadelphia kids about civil rights, is profiled.

  • Reema Keswani '96 is the founder, designer, and gemologist of the Golconda line.
  • Memoirs by Alistair McHarg '72 and T McKinley '84 chronicle lives derailed by bipolar disorder and depression. Telling their stories was a way to heal, help others—and maybe shatter some stigmas along the way.
  • The First Round Capital partner discusses the“internet of things” and the importance of design in the relationship between consumers and technology on <em>Market Makers</em>.

  • Suzanne Amador Kane (Haverford Physics) and her student research team used bird-mounted cameras to examine how falcons pursue their prey. Since their research was published in The Journal of Experimental Biology, the study has been attracting international media attention and a YouTube video of footage from a "falconcam" has gone viral.
  • For the past five months the recent graduate worked in the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs focused on Latino outreach.
  • The late math and physics professor's life and work for the anti-war movement, including his role in the 1971 FBI break-in, is explored.

  • Tal Alter '98 turns a love of baseball into a career devoted to building brighter futures for kids.
  • The Audrey A. and John L. Dusseau Professor in Humanities and professor of fine arts is interviewed about his photography exhibit <em>A Stirring Song Sung Heroic</em>, which was up in the Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery in the fall and opens at Lehigh University on Jan. 22

  • Michael Paulson '96 interviews Elizabeth Greenspan '99 about her new book, Battle for Ground Zero: Inside the Political Struggle to Rebuild the World Trade Center.
  • The late math and physics professor (1927-2013) was one of a recently revealed group of antiwar activists who broke into the F.B.I. offices in Media, Pa., and uncovered documents that exposed extensive spying against dissident groups.

  • The former chief labor negotiator under Mayor Edward Koch was appointed to be new Mayor Bill De Blasio's director of labor relations.

  • The "Friday Arts" segment aired January 3. Lloyd is the artistic director of the Bucks County Choral Society.

  • President Daniel Weiss and senior leadership oppose boycott.


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