A report on the Board of Managers meeting held February 5–6, 2016.
Haverford Headlines

Chen, a sophomore, steps onto the national fencing stage at Penn State University later this month.

Legendary track and field coach Tom Donnelly and alternative death care pioneer Katrina Spade ’99 will receive honorary degrees at Commencement.

Thanks for Nothing by Professor and Chair of Sociology Matthew McKeever draws on 40 years of data to understand why the financial outlook for single mothers remains stagnant.
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Following a CPGC-sponsored trip to the Real Food Challenge Summit, members of Haverford’s ETHOS food-justice group brought a resolution to Plenary that aims to expand ethical, local, and ecologically sound food on campus.
The UCLA associate professor of electrical engineering is one of only 105 people this year selected for a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
Five Fords from the Class of 2015 and two faculty members were selected for the 2015-2016 cohort of Fulbright recipients.
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Preparing historical recipes from Quaker and Special Collections’ cookbooks from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.
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A political science course that introduces students to policies promoting the economic and social wellbeing of U.S. citizens.
The future religion major will use the award to fund ancient Greek language studies this summer.
Michael Jaharis, one of Haverford College’s greatest benefactors and father of Steve Jaharis '82, died Feb. 17, 2016.
The Philadelphia criminal defense lawyer received the recognition from the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
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On Friday, Feb. 12, Fords Against Boredom hosted its annual Loveshack graham-cracker-house-building competition in honor of Valentine’s Day.
The illustrator won the SCBWI 2016 Winter Conference Portfolio Award.
The assistant professor of political science and his co-authors won the 2015 award for their paper, “Assessing the Past and Promise of the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey for Public Management Research: A Research Synthesis.”
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The new student-run organization, born from an anthropology course on "DIY Movements and American Environmentalism," aims to foster community through do-it-yourself projects, skills sharing, and exchanges of member-made items.
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A half-course that aims to broaden students’ perspectives on what it means to do math.
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To celebrate the new Year of the Monkey, the Global China Connection student affinity group hosted a dumpling-making (and -eating) event.
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