New Students
Placement Exams
Please Note: Updated information for the Class of 2029 will be available in early June 2025.
General Information
When choosing your courses for the first semester, you will need information about the level at which you should enter a particular field of study. This process is known as "Placement." In areas where you are particularly well prepared, you may be placed into intermediate rather than beginning level courses. Where no placement exam is given, an interview with the department chair can determine your status.
Which placement exams should you take? When an exam is not required, the general rule of thumb is that if you have absolutely no prior experience with a subject, you do not need to take the placement exam. If you have any experience with a subject and are entertaining the possibility that you might take a course in that field at any point in your Haverford career, you should take the placement exam for that subject. You will have no other opportunity to do so. Some departments have specific guidelines that take precedence over this general rule of thumb.
Most placement exams and surveys will be available by June 12, with many available earlier in June, and must be completed by July 1, 2024. If you are not able to complete the online tests, please contact your Dean. You will receive your placement results, and your assigned writing seminar, by August 1st. If results are available earlier, they will be shared with students and their summer advisors.
Placement and credit are separate issues at the College. High scores on AP, IB or other types of exams can carry transferable credit, which can be used toward fulfilling credit requirements toward graduation. However, high scores on such exams will not automatically assure advanced placement in a particular subject at Haverford. Such placement depends upon judgments made by the appropriate departments based on your placement exams results or interviews with the chair. Advanced placement from Haverford placement exams administered online will not carry credit.
In order to accurately place you at the level which is best suited to your preparation and potential, you are expected to give your best effort while taking the exam under the principles of the Haverford Honor Code. If possible, we suggest completing the Academic Integrity Tutorial before taking your placement exams.
Placement exams are largely untimed. For exams with a time limit, extra time is built into the process. If you received an extra time accommodation on exams in high school due to a learning difference, and/or a medical, physical or psychological diagnosis you do not need to request this accommodation in advance of taking the placement exams. If you feel that timing was a factor in demonstrating your knowledge for a particular subject, please reach out to the faculty member listed as a contact.
Haverford College requires all of its students to complete two semesters of college-level study of a language other than English by the end of their junior year. This requirement may be satisfied in one of the following two ways:
- One full year of language study in one language at the level in which the student is placed by the appropriate Haverford College language department; or
- language study in a course conducted under Haverford College’s approved International Study Abroad Programs, and as certified in advance by the relevant language department chair at either Haverford or Bryn Mawr, or by the Existing Curriculum Committee when the language has no counter department at either Haverford or Bryn Mawr.
Language courses may be taken at Haverford, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, and with advisor and registrar permission, the University of Pennsylvania. The Haverford department, however, must determine placement. Courses taken to fulfill the language requirement do not meet divisional distribution requirements and may not be taken Pass/Fail at Haverford, CR/NCR at Bryn Mawr or Swarthmore, or P/F at the University of Pennsylvania.
Exam Subject | Exam Details | Deadlines | Contact | Notes |
Arabic | Students interested in studying Arabic should complete the written exam available in Moodle and schedule an oral exam with program faculty. Moodle | July 1, 2024 | Manar Darwish ( | Required for students who have previously studied Arabic. |
Chemistry | Two different versions of fall-semester introductory chemistry are offered at Haverford. Chem 111 is the most common first-semester chemistry course, this course meets 3 days per week. Chem 113 is an intensive 5-day-per-week course designed for students with little or no exposure to chemistry in high school. Chemistry continues to use self-placement following this flow chart and this document with course descriptions and guidelines. | July 1, 2024 | Casey Londergan ( | |
Chinese | All incoming students with some background in Chinese, including heritage students who can speak the language with no or limited reading and writing skills, are required to take a placement test and provide information about their language background. Please carefully follow the instructions and complete each part of the Test. This will make sure that we accurately determine the appropriate class for you. If you have any questions regarding the exam, please feel free to reach out to Changchun Zhang ( Request Chinese Placement Exam | July 10, 2024 | Changchun Zhang ( | The 2024 Chinese placement test consists of four parts:
Classics | As a Haverford student, you can choose from a variety of courses exploring the languages and cultures of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds and their global reception across time. The Classics questionnaire will help us advise you about which classes might align with your interests and goals this year and in the future. Department of Classics Placement Exam | July 1, 2024 | Bret Mulligan ( | All students are encouraged to fill out the survey. Information about ancient Greek and Latin are available under those headings. |
Computer Science | The CS Placement Worksheet (instructions) will let us partner with you to determine the best initial computer science course for you, possibly after further discussion as described in our document for entering students. | July 1, 2024 | Dave Wonnacott ( | Required if you wish to place directly into a course higher than CMSC 105: Introduction to Computer Science. |
Dance | Students interested in taking intermediate or advanced dance courses should attend the first day of class on the first week of classes to have priority consideration for the desired course. The main contact for placement is the Director of the Dance Program, Dr. Lela Aisha Jones ( When the semester begins students may contact the faculty for each desired course. Please refer to the course catalog and the dance program website to find the appropriate faculty. Bryn Mawr: Dance Courses and Schedule | July 1, 2024 | Lela Aisha Jones ( | Required for students interested in taking intermediate or advanced ballet. |
Economics | In the 2024-25 academic year, Economics 105 is the only introductory Economics course being offered. It is our standard one semester introduction to economics. (Economics 104, an alternative, is not being offered in 2024-25). In order to be put in the proper course, please fill out the survey on the placement exam. Moodle | July 1, 2024 | David Owens ( | |
French | When you log into Haverford's Moodle site, look in the Placement Exam category. You should see a link to it from the Welcome message. Moodle | July 1, 2024 | Koffi Anyinefa ( | Required for any student who is interested in and/or who wants to take a course in French at Haverford, and who has had ANY previous experience in French. |
German | You can take the German placement exam on the Moodle site under the Placement Exam category. It is ONLY required for students with PREVIOUS knowledge of German. Students who have no previous experience with German, but are interested in Elementary German, do NOT have to take the test. For Elementary German, no knowledge of German is required. Moodle | July 1, 2024 | Imke Brust ( | The German placement exam has four different sections (listening comprehension, grammar, reading comprehension, and a short writing sample). Students who place in advanced German courses will have the opportunity to meet with German faculty on Zoom for a brief conversation. We look forward to meeting you in the fall. |
Greek | As a Haverford student, you have access to a full sequence of ancient Greek courses, as well as other courses that explore the languages and cultures of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds and their global reception across time. The Classics questionnaire will help us advise you about which classes match your previous experience, interests, and goals. Department of Classics Placement Exam | July 1, 2024 | Bret Mulligan ( | Questionnaire and diagnostic required for students with previous knowledge of ancient Greek. Students who have no previous experience with Greek, but are interested in Elementary Greek, should complete the questionnaire (but will not have to take a diagnostic). Greek counts towards the language requirement. |
Hebrew | Students should contact department or program faculty. | July 1, 2024 | Grace Armstrong ( | Required if you plan to take a course in this department. |
Italian | The Italian placement exam consists of three sections (oral comprehension, reading comprehension, and grammar), which can be completed on Moodle. Students who are placed in advanced-level courses are asked to meet with the Italian faculty via Zoom for a brief conversation. To fine-tune their placement, after this meeting, they may also be asked to submit a 400-word essay on any topic. Recommended Online Test | July 1, 2024 | Giulio Genovese ( | Required for students with previous knowledge of Italian who plan to take a course in this department. We recognize that Italian may be a new language opportunity for students. For more information about the Italian department, please check out our resources, Why Italian? and Beginning Italian. |
Japanese | The Japanese placement consists of an online exam and a hand-written essay. An oral interview (Zoom meeting) may be scheduled in early July as needed. The online exam provided by the University of Tsukuba (Japan) and the essay should be completed and submitted by July 1, 2024. Please see below for the instructions. Japanese Placement Instructions | July 1, 2024 (online exam) | Tetsuya Sato ( | Only students who have studied Japanese in school or elsewhere, including online programs, will need to take the placement test. There is no need for students who have never studied Japanese before to take it. |
Latin | As a Haverford student, you have access to a full sequence of Latin courses, as well as other courses that explore the languages and cultures of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds and their global reception across time. The Classics questionnaire will help us advise you about which classes match your previous experience, interests, and goals. Department of Classics Placement Exam | July 1, 2024 | Bret Mulligan ( | Questionnaire and diagnostic required for students with previous knowledge of Latin. Students who have no previous experience with Latin, but are interested in Elementary Latin, should complete the questionnaire (but will not have to take a diagnostic). Latin does count towards the language requirement. |
Mathematics | All Haverford students are required to take at least one Quantitative or Symbolic Reasoning course before they graduate, and the Math Placement Exam is required for all incoming students. If you are waiting for an AP score, it is preferable to take our placement test after you receive your AP score, since your placement will be more accurate if we can use your AP score. However, if you expect to get your AP score after the placement test deadline, please take our placement test now and email your AP score to once you receive it. Mathematics Placement Exam | July 1, 2024 | Rob Manning ( | Required for all students, even if you do not intend to take mathematics. |
Musical Interest Survey | In order to buy music and plan the concerts for the coming year, it's helpful for us to have an indication from you of your possible interest in any of the musical organizations. Musical Interest Survey | September 7, 2024 | Heidi Jacob (, Nate Zullinger (, and Rich Freedman ( | Required for all students. If you have questions about participating in Bi-Co musical activities, either before or after the deadline, please contact Heidi Jacob (instrumental/orchestral) or Scott Aucoin (vocal/choral). |
Physics | A simple questionnaire asking about your background and interest in physics classes (e.g. any AP experience, etc) to help guide you to the optimal recommended physics placement. Physics Placement Questionnaire | July 1, 2024 | Karen Masters ( | Required for all students who are planning to take physics in college (including pre-health track). After the deadline: please still fill in the form then email the contact after you have done so. |
Russian | Students should contact department or program faculty. | N/A | Marina Rojavin ( | Required for students who have previously studied Russian. |
Spanish | The placement 'test' is composed of a listening comprehension section, and a grammar and reading comprehension section. Students should take each part without interruption and should make every effort to take both parts of the test within a 24 hour period. Moodle | July 1, 2024 | Ana Lopez-Sanchez ( | Required for students** who have had more than a year of Spanish language instruction and are planning to register for a Spanish class this coming fall or spring. (Students with less than a year of Spanish are exempt from the test and can register directly in SPAN 001. Also exempt from the test are students schooled in a Spanish-speaking country, who can register for any 200 level course.) |
Writing Program | The placement is in two parts; both your seminar preferences and your essay should be submitted via the online form. After assessment by the Director of the Writing Program and writing seminar faculty, you will be automatically registered for your assigned seminar(s) in Bionic for the fall and/or spring semesters. The Writing Placement Exam will open on June 12. Writing Seminar Placement | July 1, 2024 | Debora Sherman ( | Required. |