Social Inquiry Hub

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The Social Inquiry Hub is the intellectual center for social inquiry at Haverford College. The Hub is a space where faculty and students come together, share ideas, collaborate as educators, and develop scholarly partnerships.

Social scientists seek a deep and broad understanding of how social relations do and should work. We do so with careful reference to the historical record, to the evidence, and to the diverse models for social life that have been concocted throughout human history and around the globe. No other branch of human inquiry can offer that!

We do of course rely upon the admirable work of our colleagues in the humanities, the natural sciences, and the formal/deductive sciences. Yet as such an enterprise, we offer an intellectual culture distinct from those three, with our own valuable tools and approaches to offer to the world. Above all else, this culture aims to foster creative, deep thinking about the world and its problems; to encourage people everywhere to be imaginative, ethical problem solvers; and to give them the skills by which they can face a turbulent world and earn a decent living.

Social Inquiry Lounge

Social Inquiry Lounge

The lounge is located in Whitehead Campus Center 210. It is open and available for use. Drop by!


The Social Inquiry Hub is managed by the Social Inquiry Working Group. You can contact the Working Group by emailing hc-sicommittee [at] or join our maling list to receive periodic updates.

Professor of Political Science
Hall 214
cborowia [at]
The C.V. Starr Professor of Asian Studies; Professor of Chinese and Linguistics; Director of Chinese Language Program

On Leave Fall 2024

Chase 103B
shuang [at]
Professor and Chair of Sociology
Roberts 302
mmckeever [at]
Associate Professor and Chair of Economics
Chase 207
gparames [at]