The Marilou Allen Office ofService and Community Collaboration
Contact & Staff
Student Staff Members

Quinn Brady
Quinn is a sophomore at Haverford and majors in Political Science with a minor in Spanish. She started working for the Office of Service this year and is so excited to be a part of the team! In her spare time she loves doing any activity with friends, reading, and volunteering for local organizations. This year she hopes to make more service opportunities available to the student body and get people excited about volunteering!

Julia Jung
Hello, my name is Julia and I am a freshman at Haverford College. I grew up in Batavia, Ohio and Seattle, Washington. Currently, I plan on majoring in biochemistry and minoring in education. I hope to work in the improvement of low-income public education. In my free time, I like to karaoke and eat with my friends and family.

Patrick Kelly
Hello! My name is Patrick, and I'm a sophomore from York, PA. I am planning on majoring in Political Science at Haverford. In addition to being a staff member for the OSCC, I work at the library and a nonprofit called CASA. I joined the OSCC shortly before the start of the 21-22 year, and I've learned a lot about organizations on and off-campus!

Lei Lei
Hi, I'm Lei, currently a sophomore at Haverford College. I grew up in Canton, China. In my free time, I enjoy watching films, cooking cuisines, and taking walks. I also worked in the library and as a TA this semester. Excited to bring positive vibes on and off campus in OSCC!

Bukky Olugbeko
Hi, my name is Bukky Olugbeko and I am from the Bronx, New York. I am a sophomore at Haverford College and a prospective Political Science major on the track to law school. When I’m back home in New York I enjoy thrifting, biking around the city, and trying new restaurants. Here at Haverford, I enjoy taking walks on the nature trail and spending time with friends.

Angel Yang
Hi! My name is Angel Yang (She/Her) and I am from Shanghai, China. I am a sophomore at Haverford College and a prospective Math major and Sociology minor. In HC, I am involved in Global China Connection Club, and have participated in Alternative Spring Break Program and Tri-Co Philly Program. In my free time, I love snowboarding, traveling and looking up at the sky (especially at night). My favorite sky-looking spot on campus is Duck Pond field.