Campus Headlines

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  • For the fourth year in a row, Haverford residents played Humans Vs. Zombies, a campus-wide live-action game of moderated tag in which “zombies” and “humans” both fight to stay alive.

  • Four students were contestants on the popular radio program and podcast when it taped its first college show live on campus. 

  • This year’s Family and Friends Weekend, which welcomed hundreds of our students’ relatives to campus, was themed around issues of environmentalism and sustainability. It also served as a homecoming weekend for our youngest alumni.

  • A recent symposium brought together experts and academics from around the globe to unpack issues related to the the increasingly important intersection of science and ethics: a photo gallery.

  • More than 150 Haverford students, alumni, and staff attended the two-day symposium, which was supported by Haverford’s Initiative in Ethical Engagement and Leadership.

  • People always ask, “What can I do?” when it comes to ethically engaging in social justice work, particularly in being an ally to Black Lives Matter. Writer and activist King addressed how to do so in his on-campus talk last Wednesday.

  • At the sixth annual Food Day, hosted by student food justice club ETHOS, attendees sampled healthy, environmentally conscious options from local purveyors while learning about ethical consumption.

  • Teacher, translator, and Clerk of Friends World Council for Consultation Section of the Americas Benigno Sánchez-Eppler joins us on campus for Religion and Spiritual Life Week.

  • The Multicultural Alumni Action Group welcomed five political insiders, all Bi-Co alumni, back to campus to discuss the upcoming election and its implications. 

  • Making a mess with delicious desserts is one way to take the pressure off the blind dates set up during Fords Against Boredom’s annual “Screw Date” event.

  • Federation United Concert Series (FUCS) opened with performances by Adam Green and Priests.

  • The past four years of the professor of fine arts’ work is surveyed in a new exhibit in the Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery, and many came out for its unveiling on Friday night.

  • Kim Benston and Kim Cassidy met Sept. 7 to formalize the longstanding Bi-College relationship between their two institutions. 

  • John R. Coleman, Haverford’s ninth president, who led the College from 1967 to 1977, died Sept. 6. He was 95. 

  • With the outbreak of the Korean War, Haverford launched what would be its most recent foray into graduate education: the Social and Technical Assistance program, which ran from 1951 to 1956.
