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Patrick Montero
Mimi Fuchs '13
Monday, January 2, 2017

Alumni Profile – Mimi Fuchs '13

“In addition to providing an excellent and rigorous training in the physical sciences, Haverford offered so many unique opportunities that shaped my professional interests and career path.” – Mimi Fuchs '13, astrophysics major

Miriam (Mimi) Fuchs '13 works for the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Submillimeter Array, a telescope located atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawai'i. Read her Alumni Career Profile
Students holding gesture recognition devices
Friday, December 16, 2016

Education and Accessibility

Student and faculty research and innovation are helping to make classrooms more accommodating to those with a variety of disabilities and learning styles.

Read "Education and Accessibility" in the Fall 2016 issue of Haverford magazine.

A number of Haverford students have conducted senior thesis research on gesture recognition devices such as the Myo armband (left and right) and the Leap Motion Sensor (center). Photo: Caleb Eckert '17.

Students with members of the Network for New Music ensemble
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Music at Haverford

The Department of Music at Haverford offers a creative approach to music theory, a curriculum in music history that deals with music in the social context and embraces world music and jazz, while our applied music program and ensembles provide students with opportunities for performances and tours.

Ingrid Arauco’s composition students Shuyu Meng BMC'17 (right) and Chloe Lindeman '17 (second from right) had the special opportunity to hear the music they wrote performed by members of the Network for New Music ensemble. Photo: Caleb Eckert '17.

Angela Merkel
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Cool Classes - “Women in War and Peace”

“Women in War and Peace”

"If we cannot see women, in a variety of roles, as political actors, or the political world as a gendered space, then we are missing an essential aspect to the study of politics. If we are unaware of the double standard to which women in politics are held then it is even harder to make informed decisions about politics."— Associate Professor of Political Science Susanna Wing

Our Cool Classes blog series highlights interesting, unusual, and unique courses that enrich the Haverford College experience.

Photo: Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, courtesy of the European People’s Party.

Thank You card for donor
Monday, December 12, 2016

Financial Aid

The average financial aid grant awarded to Haverford students is $40,014, and more than 55% of students receive some form of financial aid from the College. On National Philanthropy Day (Nov. 15), students were invited to write thank you notes to alumni who have contributed to the Annual Fund this year.

Amber Lorenz '17 thoughtfully (and creatively) expressed her thanks to an alumni donor during the Thank A Donor event. Photo: Patrick Montero.

Southern for Pussy Film still
Friday, December 9, 2016

Bring Your Own Body

Through December 11, 2016
Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery

Curated by Jeanne Vaccaro with Stamatina Gregory, Bring Your Own Body: transgender between archives and aesthetics presents the work of transgender artists and archives, from the institutional and sexological to the personal and liminal. Details »

Zackary Drucker, Southern for Pussy (2015). Film still. Courtesy of the artist.

Anne Preston
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Office Hour – Anne Preston

Professor of Economics Anne Preston is a labor economist whose research has looked at compensation patterns in the nonprofit sector, women in the labor market, and the trajectory of scientific careers.

Read Office Hour in the Fall 2016 issue of Haverford Magazine.

Anne Preston in her office with her 11-year-old toy poodle, Kiwi. Photo: Patrick Montero.

Ted Love at table with students
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Ethical Leadership

The Summer Institute on Ethical Leadership aims to provide future leaders with tools to use when dealing with challenging situations. Twelve students were part of the inaugural cohort, and twelve alums returned to campus to lead the program. Applications for the 2017 institute are due December 9, 2016.

Physician and biotech entrepreneur Ted Love '81, CEO of Global Blood Therapeutics, shared ethical-investor strategies during the inaugural Ethical Leadership Summer Institute. Photo: Leigh Taylor.
