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Patrick Montero
Students walking with closed eyes trusting the people in the group not to lead them astray
Thursday, August 30, 2018


The Class of 2022 has arrived and is now immersed in Customs, Haverford College’s First-Year Experience program, which includes a five-day orientation immediately preceding the fall semester.

First-year students participate in a "trust walk," just one of many Customs week activities. Photo: Lev Greenstein '20

The Library temporarily housed in Founders Great Hall
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Then & Now: Founders Great Hall Now

Founders Great Hall

With Magill Library under renovation, Founders Great Hall has been put to temporary use (along with a number of other spaces on campus) as a library stand-in, complete with study carrels and the relocated staff of research librarians. Upstairs, the Common Room is now a spot for quiet reading. 

Missed yesterday’s photo? See the Great Hall back "Then."

Photo: Patrick Montero

A concert being preformed in the Great Hall
Monday, August 27, 2018

Then & Now: Founders Great Hall Then

Founders Great Hall

Founders Great Hall served as the College’s dining hall for more than 60 years, until the Dining Center opened in 1969. Since then, the majestic room has been a busy special events space, hosting invited speakers, student dances, alumni weddings, and concerts.

Come back tomorrow to see the Great Hall "Now."

A 2016 performance by the Chamber Singers of Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges. Photo: Rae Yuan '19

Amelia Keyser-Gibson in the Green Market selling eggs
Friday, August 24, 2018

Summer Centered: Amelia Keyser-Gibson '18

Jointly sponsored by the Marian E. Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center and the Center for Peace and Global Citizenshipbiology major and Spanish and environmental studies double minor Amelia Keyser-Gibson '18 is exploring food sustainability in Trinidad and Tobago.

Amelia Keyser-Gibson shows off Green Market's booth at the weekly farmers' market in Trinidad and Tobago. "Summer Centered" is a series exploring our students' Center-funded summer work.

Stephon Alexander in front of a blackboard.
Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Science Behind A Wrinkle in Time

When movie director Ava DuVernay went looking for a science advisor for the new Disney film adaptation of Madeleine L’Engle’s 1962 science fiction/fantasy novel A Wrinkle in Time, she found the perfect candidate in Stephon Alexander ’93, a professor of physics at Brown University.

Read "Tell Us More" in the Spring/Summer 2018 issue of Haverford magazine.

Photo: Patrick Montero
