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Patrick Montero
Monday, December 12, 2011

Strawbridge Observatory

As a student co-coordinator for Haverford’s public observing program, I work to bring community members to Strawbridge Observatory to view the night sky…these events allow us to share our academic experience at Haverford with the greater community. I got to show a four year-old Saturn for the first time, with its rings and all.” – Maya Barlev ’12

The observatory houses 12-inch and 16-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes which are actively used by students in Haverford astronomy classes.
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Student Garden

The Haverford Garden Initiative is a student organization with a mission to create food gardens and similar green spaces on campus for the benefit and use of the Haverford community. To celebrate the most recent harvest, Ehaus used the veggies in their weekly Thursday community dinner.

December 5th, Isaac Ellman '12 and Ruben Land '12 picked lettuce in the student garden during the final harvest of the season.
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Then & Now: Microscopes Now

Then & Now: Microscopes

A $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation brought several new high-tech instruments to campus. Among them is this confocal microscope, which employs a laser beam to produce high-quality images.

Missed yesterday’s photo? See microscopes back "Then".

Shanaye Jeffers, Faraz Sohail and Kaitlyn Shank, all Class of 2012, in their Bio300 class, aka "Super Lab."
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Then & Now: Microscopes

Then & Now: Microscopes

Exactly when Haverford got its first microscope no one knows, but by the mid-1880s scientific labs were crowding out space in Founders once reserved for natural history museum specimens.

Come back tomorrow to see “Now”.

In 1919, the opening of Sharpless Hall brought what were then state of the art science facilities to the College, illustrated in this circa 1925 photo from the College Archives titled "Students at their microscopes."
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Music Rehearsal

Choral music has long been an important part of campus life at Haverford and Bryn Mawr. An oratorio choir of 150 singers, the Chorale performs a major work with an orchestra each semester. Chamber Singers perform tomorrow.

Inside Marshall Auditorium, which offers a Bösendorfer Imperial concert grand piano, a Schlicker two-manual Baroque style organ, and a Shortridge-Jacquet two-manual harpsichord.
Monday, December 5, 2011

Accessible Treasures

At Magill Library’s Special Collections, the focus is on making the Library’s extraordinary holdings—and the up-close glimpses of history they offer—widely available to faculty, students and scholars. The Fall 2010 issue of HAVERFORD magazine delves deeper into these accessible treasures.

A first edition, published in the 16th century, of Copernicus' De revolutionibus orbium coelestium is one of many significant books in Haverford's Special Collections.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Student-Faculty Ratio

Haverford’s student-faculty ratio is 8:1 and 97% of our full time faculty hold the highest degree in their field. With half the faculty living on campus, mentoring and commitment to excellence in teaching are cornerstones of the Haverford experience.

Associate Professor of Political Science Anita Isaacs teaching in her home on the Haverford campus.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Documenting the Landscape

Every day millions of tons of coal leave Central Appalachia for power plants across the country, from this mountain and from many more just like it. My Center for Peace and Global Citizenship internship allowed me to explore how our environment right here in America is being destroyed and remade.” —Corey Chao ’08

Funding from the CPGC allowed Chao to document mountain top removal in West Virginia and Kentucky, which inspired his senior thesis in Anthropology.
