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Patrick Montero
Sunday, January 15, 2012

8th Dimension

Days of Service

Eighth Dimension, Haverford’s community service office, emphasizes the continued belief in the vitality of public service at Haverford, and also represents a tradition of collaboration between the student body, faculty, and administration.

Inside the CPGC café. The CPGC is one of the most visible examples of the College's Quaker ethos, grounded in testimonies of peace, lives of service, and a concern for the world at large.
Thursday, January 12, 2012

World’s Smallest Black Squirrel?

Professor Walter Smith put me in charge of a $100,000 scanning electron microscope and trusted me with a new technology for Haverford: electron beam lithography. Being able to manufacture nanoscale objects was fascinating, and I loved being on the cutting edge of a new program.” – Alberto Guerrero ’11

Alberto used the College's SEM to create an image of a black squirrel that's only two to three microns wide. Just how small is it? You could fit 1000 of his squirrels head-to-tail on the head of a pin.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Poetry Reading & Workshop

Not only was I able to engage directly with the work of a poet I love, I was able to speak back, to bring my own voice to the poem.” – David Richardson ’12

Through the Student Arts Fund, Richardson and other students collaborated with poet/activist John Rybicki on the music and spoken word piece “Courting Rybicki at Drop Shot Space."
Monday, January 9, 2012

Sea Turtle Conservation

“I gained insight into the ways in which veterinary science can be combined with conservation biology. Since these are potential career paths and ideas for graduate school, my summer research was a great help in solidifying my desire to explore these fields further.” – Elizabeth Willis ’13

Thanks to a KINSC Summer Stipend, Elizabeth learned about different approaches to conservation of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle while in Greece.
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Being a Student-Athlete

To be a student-athlete is to be someone who sees the critical importance of the lessons learned both in the classroom and on the field. I truly believe that life rewards individuals who are hard-working, flexible, and capable of relating to many different types of people.” – Andrew Bostick ’12, epeeist

The Andy Kates Fencing Salle is located on the second floor of the GIAC and features five fencing strips for varsity practice and instruction.
Thursday, January 5, 2012

CPGC in Venice

I cannot imagine writing a senior thesis of the same quality without my CPGC experience in Venice. …I felt it was essential to experience the urban environment first hand.” – Meaghan Ryan ’11

The Center for Peace and Global Citizenship funds a variety of activities, including student research, summer internships, and service learning.
