Haverford Headlines

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    Highlighting faculty professional activities, including conferences, exhibitions, performances, awards, and publications.

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    A native of Puerto Rico, the former Jose Padin Scholar and Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow is following up her undergraduate degree in comparative literature with graduate studies in the same field at the University of Chicago.

  • Eric Krotkov with a robotic arm
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    From self-driving cars to in-home electromechanical helpers, Eric Krotkov ’82 is turning science fiction into reality.

  • The students in the Ethical Leadership Institute visited Mount Moriah Cemetery
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    The third year of the Institute was managed by the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship and included a Philadelphia-focused experience for students and recent graduates preparing to work in the city this summer and in the year ahead.

  • Justin Turkus in his tattoo parlor
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    After graduation, the political science major’s passion for art led him down an unorthodox path.

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    More than 1,100 people flocked to campus for Alumni Weekend 2018, which celebrated classes ending in 3s and 8s as well as a host of Alumni Award winners.

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    The history major is off to support the organization Reconstructing Judaism as an administrative assistant for development.

  • Jonathan Wilson
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    The Associate Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies and his collaborators at the Smithsonian Institution were awarded $782,932 to uncover how plant life responded to changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration millions of years ago.

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    After this year’s Commencement ceremony, as is tradition, alumni parents and relatives of members of the Class of 2018 joined their just-graduated family member in a photo shoot. 

  • Ken Stern on his Washington, D.C., street/
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    Lifelong Democrat Ken Stern ’85 left the “liberal bubble” for an odyssey across America’s red states. The year he spent getting to know “the other side” changed his view of politics entirely and inspired a book that’s attracting controversy.

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    This fall, the English and Religion major will begin pursuing a law degree and her master’s in theological studies through a joint program at Harvard University.

  • Map of Ford food ventures drawn by Jessie Lamworth '18
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    Haverford alumni are feeding the world (and slaking its thirst) with an impressive array of food- and beverage-related ventures. We've mapped them around the country, and you can add your own!

  • Peter Bowers and his ife, Peg, in the Wrangel Mountains of Alaska
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    Archaeologist Peter Bowers '74, principal investigator for a project in central Alaska that discovered the Upward Sun River site that dates back to the time of the Bering Land Bridge, has adopted that state as his home.

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    Growth and structure of cities majors Nicky Rhodes ’19 and Austin Huber ’19 used skills developed in an architecture studio course to design the new Victorian-inspired bus stop and bike shelter near the North Dorms.

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    Photos and video from the College’s 180th Commencement ceremony.


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