Haverford Headlines

Legendary track and field coach Tom Donnelly and alternative death care pioneer Katrina Spade ’99 will receive honorary degrees at Commencement.

Thanks for Nothing by Professor and Chair of Sociology Matthew McKeever draws on 40 years of data to understand why the financial outlook for single mothers remains stagnant.

A music education teacher and composer, Grace Coberly '21, writes music for people. "I like relating to other people through music," they say.
Eight distinguished individuals from the fields of business, community service, medicine and higher education received honorary degrees in recognition of their accomplishments and service to their communities at Haverford College on Saturday, December 2.
Senior Vikki Mango spent the summer interning with the Maternity Care Coalition.
Haverford College professor of astronomy Stephen Boughn knows.
Senior Maria Roeper visited Indonesia as part of her fight against sweatshop labor.
The $1.7 million award will go toward science classes, research and minority programs at the school.
Two Haverford students appeared on Capitol Hill this spring to explain the research they've been conducting on a particular form of cancer treatment.
More than 4,000 family members, friends and well-wishers gathered on a radiant spring day to celebrate the graduation of 285 students at Haverford College's commencement ceremony in May.
This spring, the college presented its first William W. Ambler Award to honor a student who exemplifies Ambler's high academic standards and his quiet leadership both on and off the athletic field.
Somber tones filled Marshall Auditorium as the Haverford-Bryn Mawr College Chorale and Chamber Orchestra performed the Philadelphia premiere of Lament to Yitzhak--Requiem for a Leader.
Are the days of face-to-face job interviews and firm handshakes almost over?
An international leader in research on short- and long-term memory and the former editor of Science Magazine, has made a $15 million gift to Haverford College.
Robert Kieft has been named Editor of the next edition of the gold standard source for reference citations&emdash; the American Library Association's Guide to Reference Books.
Jerry Gollub, the John and Barbara Bush Professor in the Natural Sciences, has been appointed by the President of the National Academy of Sciences to a position at the National Research Council, the Academy's research organization that advises the federal government on hundreds of issues related to science and technology.
This year, instead of stuffing paper ballots into boxes, Haverford students merely sidled up to their computers, logged onto a Web site, typed in passwords, and cast their votes.
The Kosovars are screaming at the Serbs; the Serbs are arguing with the European Union; the European Union is debating with delegates from the United States; and the U.S. representatives are consulting among themselves, making no public statements.
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