Haverford Headlines

Chen, a sophomore, steps onto the national fencing stage at Penn State University later this month.

Legendary track and field coach Tom Donnelly and alternative death care pioneer Katrina Spade ’99 will receive honorary degrees at Commencement.

Thanks for Nothing by Professor and Chair of Sociology Matthew McKeever draws on 40 years of data to understand why the financial outlook for single mothers remains stagnant.
President Emerson summarizes the Haverford College budget for FY 2009-10.
In a classic <em>New York Daily News</em> column, the prolific author reminisces about his undergraduate band Federal Duck, which performed during his 35th reunion in 2004.
Ever since architect Gil Schafer '84 built himself a Greek Revival-style weekend home he's had clients seeking him out to design new houses that look like they've been around for a century or two.
Brother Guy Consolmagno, who spoke at Haverford on April 29, discusses his studies of meteorites and the relationship between science and religion.
A documentary co-produced by Ellen Brodsky '85, about a radical 1920s housing experiment in New York, will air nationally on PBS's Independent Lens. The film tells the story of the United Workers Cooperative Colony, a Bronx apartment complex built by immigrant Jewish garment workers with a vision of a just society.
Anthropologist David R. Braun '98 was part of a team that discovered a set of 1.5 million-year-old footprints in northern Kenya. Analyzed in a study published in the journal Science, the prints have become big news for what they reveal about human evolution.
Professor Steve McGovern's seminar "Grassroots Politics in Philadelphia" provides a service learning component by having students intern with local nonprofits.
Highlighting faculty professional activities, including conferences, exhibitions, performances and publications.
A cautionary letter from Quaker founder George Fox to slave holding Friends in Barbados; legal documents freeing the slaves of their Quaker masters; the working manuscript of 18th century abolitionist Thomas Clarkson's magnum opus on slavery—these are just a few of the items soon to be available online, thanks to a grant awarded to Haverford and Swarthmore Colleges.
Professor of History Paul Jakov Smith Publishes Major Work of Chinese History
The economics major will enter Penn's Wharton School in the fall to pursue a Ph.D. in applied economics.
Martin Blood-Forsythe '10 has received a Goldwater Scholarship, and Brian Pepe-Mooney '10 is a Goldwater Honorable Mention.
Associated Press special correspondent David Espo '71, CNN senior producer Terry Irving '73, and Newsday reporter Martin Evans '79 were among the speakers at this year's Silk Journalism Panel, which honors the late Andrew Silk '76, a talented journalist who died in 1981.
Sachs, a professor at Columbia University, discussed the evolution of the current crisis and gave "future leaders" tips for finding solutions.
Includes full video of talk and Q&A session
Adam Orman '96 marks the premiere of his first feature film, Fifth Form.
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