Claude E. WintnerOrganic Chemistry Reference Lectures
Certainly an enterprise of this magnitude cannot stand alone. "The facts" of organic chemistry may be "the facts," but while my understanding and presentation of the subject must be my own responsibility, my approach has been molded over a lifetime by my teachers, my colleagues, and my students. I would like to single out eight great teachers who have guided me. My intellectual debt to each is profound: anyone who knows their work and their teaching will recognize their imprint. They are, more or less in the chronological order of their greatest influence on my ideas: R. B. Woodward, W. von E. Doering, A. Eschenmoser, V. Prelog, D. Arigoni, J. D. Dunitz, E. J. Corey, and D. A. Evans.
Deborah A. Wintner filmed the videos and then transformed them for web viewing. It was her devoted and continuous participation that moved the project from idea to reality.
Special thanks go to David Moore, Haverford College Web Communications, and Charles Woodard, Haverford College Instructional and Information Technology Services, for their electronic reconfiguration of the 2015 edition.
Thanks also are due to Professor Joshua Schrier, Haverford College Chemistry Department, for encouraging me to move forward with the reconfiguration.