Visual Culture, Arts, and MediaVCAM
Faculty Fellowships
The college invites applications from tenure-line and continuing faculty for 1-2 year positions as VCAM Faculty Fellows.
VCAM houses a rotating group of Haverford faculty from across the divisions engaged with visual culture, arts, and media projects. VCAM Faculty Fellows teach at least one course per semester in the facility, with priority given to those courses that fall under the rubric of the Visual Studies Program. Fellows have offices in the facility and receive funding to support their research, visiting scholars, screenings, exhibitions, Maker Arts Space projects, and other initiatives in VCAM.
Up to two fellows will be housed in the VCAM on a one-two year rotating basis. Successful applicants will receive a $1000 annual stipend and $3000 annually for VCAM programming.
The application for the 2026-28 VCAM Faculty Fellowship will open in the spring of 2026.