Xerxes Minocher is the Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow of Technology and Justice, and a Visiting Assistant Professor in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. Blending power-sensitive analysis with qualitative methods, Xerxes’ teaching and research is centered within critical studies of digital technology. Leveraging case studies and a local-historical approach, they publish at the intersection of feminist science and technology studies, information ethics, and media studies, in a variety of journals and handbooks including New Media & Society, Convergence, Routledge Companion to Journalism Ethics, and Journal of Digital Social Research. Their most recent works focus on public engagement with technology, studying how impacted constituencies reshape, challenge, and refuse AI systems.
A member and facilitator with the Haverford Restorative Practices community, Xerxes is also the organizer of the 2024-25 reading group “Care as Essential: Growing Transformative and Restorative Justices,” and the 2025 Mellon symposium “Tools of Restorative Practices: Roots, Branches, and Seeds of Restorative Justice in Philadelphia,” which is bringing together the Tri-Co and Philadelphia community with RJ practitioners and artists from across the city for a day of reflection, community, and imagining.
Course offerings (email for syllabus):
Fall 2023 - Critical Study of Data & Algorithms
Spring 2024 - Carceral/Abolition Technologies
Fall 2024 - Inevitability, & Other Myths of Technology
Spring 2025 - Technical Citizenshp: Incarceration, Redemption, Abolition
Xerxes also supervises Independent studies within PJHR - feel free to reach out if interested.
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MSc, Queen's University
BComm, Toronto Metropolitan University