Study Abroad

Middlebury College Program in Chile

  • Location: Santiago, Valparaíso, Temuco, Valdivia, Concepción, Villarrica , Chile
  • Minimum GPA: 3.0
  • Language of Instruction: Spanish
  • Class Eligibility: Juniors


Opportunity to study at Spanish-speaking universities: La Serena: Universidad de La Serena; Temuco: Universidad de la Frontera; Valdivia: Universidad Austral de Chile; Concepción: Universidad de Concepción; Santiago: Universidad de Chile and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Valparaíso: Universidad de Valparaíso and Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.

Courses at the Universidad de Playa Ancha are not accepted for credit. Opposite seasons to North America. Internships are available for credit in many fields. Volunteer opportunities for interested students.

  • Visa:

    Required. Non-US citizens should consult with Middlebury and the Office of International Student Support before applying to the program.

  • Fees: Students pay Haverford tuition only to Haverford College. Haverford will then be responsible for submitting payments to the program.

A minimum of two years of college level Spanish is required. A semester of coursework in literature or culture at the 200 level is required. Students must be enrolled in a Spanish course the semester prior to study abroad.

Students must enroll in an appropriate-level Spanish language course and sign a pledge to only speak Spanish while abroad.

Academic Credit

A full semester course load for undergraduates is 4.5 classes; usually 15-16 semester credit hours. Transfer credit will only be granted for courses in which students receive a grade of a C (2.0) or above.


Universidad de La Serena: sciences, humanities, and engineering; strong in biology, ecology, and geography.

Universidad de la Frontera (Temuco):  medicine, engineering and administration, education and humanities, and agricultural sciences; best known for sociology, anthropology, and indigenous studies.

Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia): full humanities, fine arts and sciences programs; well known for ecology, marine biology, and forestry.

Universidad de Concepción: Liberal Arts curriculum; strong in History, Public Administration, Spanish Literature and Biological, Environmental and Marine Sciences.

Universidad de Chile: Full range of courses in every field of study.

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: Full range of course in every field; students not allowed to take Studio Art, Music or Political Science Courses.

Universidad de Valparaíso: Liberal Arts curriculum; strong in profession areas such as Law, Medicine, Nursing, Design, Architecture and Economics

Universidad Católica de Valparaíso: Liberal Arts curriculum; strong in Marine Sciences, Business, History and Public Administration.

Course Highlights

Anthropology, Art History, Architecture, Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Cities, Comparative Literature, Ecology, Economics, Education, English, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Feminine and Gender Studies, Film, Fine Arts, Geology, Growth and Structure of Cities, Health Sciences, Health Studies, History, Latin American Studies, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Religion, Sociology, Spanish, Theater, Urban Studies

Note: Changes occur frequently. Students are responsible for finding the classes they need and consulting the official site of the institution.

Review the Full Academic Requirements for Studying Abroad


Students receive a two-day orientation to Chilean culture and academic life.

Number of Students

Approximately 12 students attend each semester.

Housing/Meal Plans

Homestay only – students will share meals with their host family. Haverford students may not opt for housing not arranged by the program. 


Additional Resources

Apply to Study Abroad!

  • PDF
  • Program List


  • Semester/Year


  • Semester I: Late July to mid-December
  • Semester II: Late February to mid-July

Application Deadlines

  • Semester I: March 1
  • Semester II: September 15

Faculty Contact