Katholieke Universiteit
- Location: Leuven, Belgium
- Minimum GPA: 3.0
- Language of Instruction: English
- Class Eligibility: Juniors
Katholieke Universiteit Information Session
Leuven, the capital of the province of Flemish-Brabant, is known for its architecture, university, and chocolate. Leuven is located 20 minutes from bilingual (French and Dutch) Brussels on the west. This city is situated practically in the center of the country—in about an hour and a half you can drive from Leuven to the Netherlands, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, or the North Sea coast, from which you can cross to Great Britain.
- Visa:
Required. In addition, students must register at the local City Hall within 8 days of arrival. The local authorities will provide an identity document for a foreign student temporarily living in Belgium. This document will allow the student to enter and leave the country and will also show the exact duration of stay.
Non-US citizens should consult with the PECS program and the Office of International Student Support before applying to the program.
- Fees: Students pay Haverford tuition to Haverford College. Haverford will then be responsible for paying the program. Students may room and board fees directly to KUL.
Academic Overview
Haverford students enroll in the Erasmus Dutch course. The course is worth 5 ECTS and fulfills the language requirement.
Academic Credit
The number of courses a student must take depends on the amount of semester hours allotted per course. A student needs approximately of 25-30 ECTS per semester to receive 4-5 Haverford College credits. The Erasmus Dutch language course is mandatory and it fulfills Haverford’s language requirement.
Internships – Students can complete an internship as one of their courses while abroad. Students submit journal entries every other week and write a final reflection paper to earn 6 ECTS (1 HC credit).
Transfer credit will only be granted for courses in which students receive a grade of a C (2.0) or above.
University courses.
Course Highlights
Art History, Business, Cultural Anthropology, Dutch, Economics, English Linguistics and Literature, Ethics, Feminine & Gender Studies, French Literature, German Literature, History, International Relations, Law, Linguistics, Medieval Studies, Peace, Justice and Human Rights Studies, Public Policy, Psychology, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, Women's Studies
Note: Changes occur frequently. Students are responsible for finding the classes they need and consulting the official site of the institution.
Non-Academic Overview
Students receive an orientation of 3-5 days, which includes field trips and introductory lectures.
Number of Students
Approximately 45,000 students of whom 10,600 are international students. Approximately 50-75 PECS students attend each year.
Housing/Meal Plans
Six different university housing options spread out around town. Students live with a mix of Belgian and international students, in single rooms or double occupancy in large rooms. There are common kitchens and internet connections in every room.
Bed linen, comforters, pillows, kitchenware, use of Internet are included in the rent. No formal meal plan is available at KU Leuven, but 6 large student restaurants and scores of private restaurants offer a great variety of meals from €3 for a cheese sandwich to €10 for a hot meal, and €20 for a candle-light dinner. Many students prefer to make use of the cooking facilities in the dormitories.
Haverford students may not opt for housing not provided by the program.
Katholieke Universiteit is a strong study abroad program option for Philosophy majors.
Katholieke Universiteit Information Session
Additional Resources
- Semester
- Fulfills Language Requirement
- Direct Enrollment
- Semester I: Mid-September to mid-December
- Semester II: Early February to end of June
Application Deadlines
- Semester I: February 1
- Semester II: October 1