A student stands at the microphone during plenary

Students' Council

At Haverford we place a huge emphasis on student self-governance, an overarching term used to describe the involvement of students in the workings of the College, and the extent to which Students' Council is a completely student-run organization.

Student self-governance is strongly related to the values and ideals of the College, including the Honor Code; students are afforded a large amount of autonomy and may use this opportunity to influence and shape the experiences they wish to have, as well as to shape the future of Haverford. At Haverford, every student has the opportunity, the resources, and the responsibility to make changes that they think are necessary.

Student self-governance manifests itself in different ways. Students' Council works with administrators, Board members, and faculty members throughout the year, advocating for the interests and needs of students. Students' Council is responsible for allocating money each semester to the 150 different clubs and organizations that go through the budgeting process. It is also responsible for appointing members to the many different committees on Haverford's campus that deal with different aspects of student life.

The Co-Presidents meet with the President and the Deans weekly to review and discuss ideas and student interests. As stakeholders in the community, the voices, opinions, and ideas of students are present on almost every committee at Haverford, from the committee that sets the budget to the committee that creates and reviews the admission policies and criteria.

Each officer and representative brings a unique perspective and interest to council and are able to work on individual projects as well as larger council goals.

Learn More

Students gather for Spring Plenary

This is how you shape the community.

During Plenary, which happens twice every school year, you’ll gather with peers to raise, discuss, and debate campus issues. The fall gathering focuses on ratifying the alcohol policy, while spring centers on approving the Honor Code. For Plenary to occur, a quorum must be reached, meaning that at least two-thirds of the student body must be in attendance. For a resolution to pass, two-thirds of the attending students must consent. The responsibility of carrying out and upholding changes or initiatives falls to the Students’ Council.

What's Next?

Get in Touch

Visit our page on Haverford Engage for info on our weekly meetings. If you have any questions please email sc@haverford.edu.

Have any thoughts, questions, comments, or concerns regarding student life projects you would like to see SC pursue? Use the Ford Form! Your responses will be brought up anonymously during our weekly Sunday meetings.

The Ford Form

Submit to the Weekly Consensus

Every week the SC Co-Secretaries will send out the Weekly Consensus, a space where students can find all news relating to student life.

Submit via Haverford Engage

Honor Council

Honor Council is the student-run body charged with the administration of Haverford's Honor Code. Honor Council is composed of 16 students, four from each class year, who are elected for semester- or year-long terms.

Honor Council