Call for Nominations: Staff Representatives to the Council on Sustainability and Social Responsibility (CSSR)
The Staff Association Executive Committee (SAEC) is seeking nominees (including self-nominations!) for Staff Representatives to the Council on Sustainability and Social Responsibility (CSSR).
This is a two-year term, and all interested members of the Staff Association, regardless of exempt/nonexempt status or employment division, are eligible for nomination.
The CSSR is charged with advancing the study and practice of sustainability at Haverford, marked by commitments to environmental stewardship and social responsibility within the context of the College’s Quaker values and educational mission. Multi-year participation is helpful in terms of understanding and working on the issues, and in the past staff representatives have served 2-3 years. Please see the CSSR Charter & Membership 2023-24 for additional details.
All College staff members are eligible to serve as staff reps. The SAEC strives for diverse and proportional representation across division, identity, experience, and job, and we need your assistance to make that a reality by submitting nominations and self-nominations! We are invested in ensuring participation is accessible for all College staff. If you are interested in being a staff representative but are concerned that your service would be an undue burden for you or your department, please contact an SAEC member to discuss ways to make the opportunity feasible.
Nominations are open until Monday, October 30 at 9:00 a.m.
If you have any questions, please contact SAEC Vice Chair Dru Ciotti (