Title IX
Reporting Sexual Misconduct to the College
Any person may report Sexual Misconduct in person, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using the contact information listed for the Title IX Coordinator, or by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the person’s oral or written report.
Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) via the Haverford Online Reporting Form, or by email to the Interim Title IX Coordinator (rjoyce@haverford.edu). The Online Reporting Form will provide a link to the Sexual Misconduct Policy, as well as encourage individuals to review this Policy for more information about procedures and resources.
Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
This form is to notify College officials of an incident or conduct that may be a violation of the College's Sexual Misconduct policy. This includes, but is not limited to incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, or stalking.
Individuals who report Sexual Misconduct in Pennsylvania will also be informed of their rights as a victim of crime under Pennsylvania law.
Once an individual provides a report of Sexual Misconduct, the report will be reviewed by the Title IX Coordinator. At this stage, only the Title IX Coordinator will have access to the report, and they will share the information on a limited basis as required to take the appropriate next steps. Using the information gathered through the Online Reporting Form, the College will promptly contact the Complainant to discuss appropriate Supportive Measures and to explain the process for filing a Formal Complaint and that Supportive Measures are available with or without the filing of a Formal Complaint. Complainants are not required to respond to outreach from the College and the College will respect this decision, with limited exceptions where it is obligated by law or to act in the safety interest of the community.
Only individuals authorized by the College may enter, update, access, share, or disseminate the electronic data collected, created, or maintained from the Online Reporting Form.
Anonymous Reports
An individual may make a report of Sexual Misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator, and if preferred, may do so without disclosing one’s name using the Haverford Online Reporting Form.
Depending on the level of information available about the incident or the individuals involved, the College’s ability to respond to an anonymous report may be limited. The College will, however, take whatever steps it deems appropriate and in the best interest of the overall College community, consistent with the information available. The College will never refuse to respond on the grounds that a report was made anonymously.
Information collected through the anonymous reporting line will be shared only with necessary College officials in order to respond to the reported concern. Information is kept confidential and no personally identifiable information is shared, except as necessary to follow this Policy, without the reporting party’s consent.
Emergency Removal
The College may remove a Respondent from the College’s Education Program or Activity on an emergency basis, where the College (1) undertakes an individualized safety and risk analysis and (2) determines that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual arising from the allegations of Sexual Misconduct justifies a removal.
If a College official determines such removal is necessary, the Respondent will be provided notice and an opportunity to appeal the decision immediately following the removal.
Administrative Leave
The College retains the authority to place a non-student employee Respondent on administrative leave during the pendency of the Resolution Process, consistent with Haverford College Employee Handbooks. An employee will not be placed on administrative leave unless and until a Formal Complaint of Sexual Misconduct has been filed with the College.
For Student Complaints Against Another Student
Complaints of sexual misconduct against another student should be made to the Dean of the College, the Title IX Coordinator, or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator.
Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Haverford has created a system of Deputy Title IX Coordinators designed to make reporting more accessible to students.
Sometimes it feels more comfortable to share a difficult experience with a trusted member of the community. For that reason, students are encouraged to seek out any of a number of College resources for support.
Please note that all employees of the College and student leaders in the Customs Program or any pre-Customs programs acting in their capacities as Residential Community Advisor (RCAs), Customs Facilitator (CFs), Peer Academic Facilitator (PAFs), Pre-Customs Outdoors Program (PCOP) leaders, First-Generation/Low-Income Student Leader (FLISLs), International Student Resource Persons (iSRPs), Summer Social Justice Institute Student Resource Persons (SSJI SRPs), Health and Wellbeing Peer Educators, or Student Resource Persons (SRPs) except for those identified as confidential resources are considered "Responsible Employees" under this policy and are therefore required to inform Dean John McKnight, the Title IX Coordinator, a Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or their direct supervisor of any instance of sexual misconduct that comes to their attention.
Complaints Against Faculty, Staff, and Third Parties
Reports of sexual misconduct against faculty, staff or third parties can be made to T. Muriel Brisbon, Director of Human Resources or to any member of the Human Resources staff.