The Quaker inventor, activist, and organizer hosted programming relating to ethical capitalist practices, sustainable design, and gender-affirming accessories.
Quaker Affairs

Founded by Quakers in 1833 but now nonsectarian, Haverford remains true to its formative spirit through the programs overseen by Quaker Affairs.
The office has its roots in the presidency of Tom Kessinger '63/'65, who designated a special assistant to the President tasked with nurturing the Quaker ethos on campus. Helene Pollock, an active Quaker with a background as an urban pastor, served in that position for more than 15 years, starting in the early 1990s. By 2007, that nurturing effort had evolved into a full-fledged Office of Quaker Affairs, with Pollock as director. Emily Higgs '08, carried on the work after Pollock's retirement until 2012, working with Kaye Edwards, associate professor of Independent College Programs, who served as faculty director of Quaker Affairs.
Today the office runs the Friend in Residence program, supports the student-run Quaker student group, develops other on-campus programs, and leads spiritual retreats and trips devoted to exploring social-justice issues.
Get in Touch
- (610) 896-1000
Quaker House
An intentional community of Haverford students interested in Quakerism.