Gest Lounge Goes Virtual!
For the fall 2020 semester the Gest Ambassadors are taking the programming virtual, beginning with paper-writing sessions this week to tie in with the first assignments due in 100-level philosophy courses.
Looking for a place to talk about Aristotle? Confused about what it means to actually write a Philosophy paper? Come to the ~virtual~ Gest Lounge Hours this week! Every year, the Departmental Representatives for Philosophy hold hours where students in Philosophy courses can come to socialize, talk Philosophy, and get advice from older students on papers and assignments. In a typical semester, these hours would be held in Gest Lounge, located on the second floor of the Gest building, but this semester they will be held over zoom. We, the departmental reps. (Moselle Burke and Sofia Esner) will be in the virtual space to chat, drink coffee, and answer any comments, questions or concerns that you have!
Tuesday, Oct. 6 from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 963 6059 4588
Passcode: GestLounge
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Wednesday, Oct. 7 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 956 6631 7055
Passcode: GestLounge
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