A team of scientists at Haverford College are working in an area of research that until recently was the subject of science fiction, rather than serious scientific pursuits.
Haverford College sophomore, Vincent Indelicato, was among 20 U.S. university students who were publicly recognized for their outstanding academic and leadership achievements by The Goldman Sachs Foundation through its new initiative, the Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Program.
Several Haverford College students with a passion for peace will be putting their principles to use this summer, working in the field in hot spots around the globe.
Haverford College has announced plans for the most ambitious fund raising campaign in its 167-year history. With nearly $80 million committed, the College's board of managers authorized a major capital campaign to raise a total of $200 million by 2004.
Eight distinguished individuals from the fields of business, community service, medicine and higher education received honorary degrees in recognition of their accomplishments and service to their communities at Haverford College on Saturday, December 2.