Haverford Athletics in the News
Haverford College was a major focus of sports writer Bill Pennington's 2005-2006 New York Times series about athletic recruiting at small colleges. Recently, Pennington published a two-part follow up to that series that looks at how recruitment efforts have played out for the College and the role sports has played in the lives of some student athletes.
Mara Miller '10 on Roman Theater

In an interview with Miller that appears on the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival & Philly Fringe blog, she talks about the conventions of Roman theater and her Haverford senior thesis on the plays of Plautus. An intern with the Festival last year, Miller is working for the organization this summer as an editorial assistant.

Picturing the World

Choosing the winners of the Experiencing Study Abroad Photo Contest must have been a tough challenge for the five faculty and staff members who volunteered as anonymous judges this year. The group sifted through more than 80 student entries featuring striking images of such locales as Ghana, Morocco, Greece, Hungary and Hawaii to choose winners in four categories: Faces, Places, Nature and Events.
