Greening Haverford Fund
The Greening Haverford Fund was formed in 2012 as a carbon-offset initiative by the Committee on Environmental Responsibility (CER) in partnership with the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship (CPGC).
In accordance with its mission to “integrate innovative scholarship and responsible civic engagement around contemporary issues of global significance,” the CPGC aims to offset their sponsored internship airline travel in the form of environmental betterment. The fund is designed to assist students, faculty, and staff in raising environmental awareness and enhancing environmental practices at Haverford College. The scope of the Fund is broad, and includes (but is not limited to):
- Applicant-run projects on campus
- Other on-campus events, such as speakers or performers
- Support to attend local conferences, workshops, and events
CER reviews and approves of requests for the Fund. Please read the Procedure and Fund Policy below before submitting your application. Please email with any questions or concerns.
Application Procedure
- Request funding at least 3 weeks in advance, using Greening Haverford Fund Proposal Form.
- CER will discuss the application in the next weekly meeting.
- A survey with the application will be sent to all members with options to:
- Approve
- Approve with Concerns
- Disapprove
- If from the results of the survey or discussion CER wishes to only partially approve the fund or requires more details, they will contact the applicants and let them know of their concerns.
- For the fund to be approved ⅔ of CER must Approve or Approve with Concerns
- Applicants should hear back from CER within 2 weeks about their request.
- Once the fund has been approved the Chairs will send an approval email to the applicants and the Treasurer with:
- The names of the applicant(s) or club
- The purpose of the grant
- The final grant amount
- The Treasurer will arrange the funds with the applicants.
- After the event has occurred please send a written reflection and images to
Fund Policy
- Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the academic year.
- Limits on funding
- There is a cap of $500 per fund request
- A single person or club will be allowed to get up to two grants a semester
- A person who applied on behalf of a club can apply separately if they are applying for a different cause area or topic
- The project must benefit the Haverford community directly (Haverford and Bi-Co clubs may apply, or individual Haverford students, staff and faculty)
- Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis
- Grantees are expected to provide a written reflection and photographs on their funded experience. This statement and photographs may be made publicly available.