The English major will spend next year teaching at Mae Fah Luang University in Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Scholarships, Awards, and Fellowships
The biology major will research the role of C9orf72 proteins in neurodegenerative diseases in a Katholieke Universiteit Leuven lab in Belgium.
Gillian Miswardi '17 Wins Stockholm School of Economics and Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation Competition
The anthropology major from Singapore won a trip to Sweden (valued at more than $1600) to learn about the K-A Bonnier International Fellows Program.
Four Fords from the Class of 2016 earned 2016/2017 Fulbright Student Awards.
Born from a 2012 "Superlab" course, the collaborative project of Haverford Assistant Professor Jonathan Wilson and Iruka Okeke of the University of Ibadan in Nigeria recently received a $100,000 grant of sequencing analysis and technology.
The political science major, who is minoring in environmental studies and international studies, has earned a $39,000 grant to support her summer internship at the EPA in Denver, a research project, and her continued education.
The grant from the National Security Education Program will fund the political science major's intensive Arabic study at the Oasid Arabic Institute in Amman, Jordan, over the next academic year.
Itzel Delgado-Gonzalez, Tamar Hoffman, Anthony Marqusee, Kathryn Rowlett, Michaela Ward, and Kaziah White will serve as Haverford House Fellows in Philadelphia. Rebecca Lewinsohn will work with SAATHII in Hyderabad, India, as an International Post-Bac Fellow.
Claire Dinh '16, Anna Catherine Bitners '16, Emily Bamforth (BMC '16), and Carol Lee Diallo '19 are working this spring and summer on a grassroots "storybanking" project to bring awareness to healthcare access inequality.
The chemistry major and education minor will live in Taiwan next year, where she hopes to reconnect with some relatives.
The seniors are committed to learning more about the country's healthcare system during their time teaching English in Germany.
The biology major will spend next year in the Netherlands conducting research on the protein that causes Huntington's disease in C. elegans worms.
Cristian Espinoza '18, Will Edwards '18, and James Faville '18 will fund summer study in Greek and Latin with their awards.
The German and international studies double major, who was adopted from Ukraine, will explore how orphaned youth are mentored across the globe.
Five Fords from the Class of 2015 and two faculty members were selected for the 2015-2016 cohort of Fulbright recipients.