The Romance languages major who has been working as an educational consultant in China since her graduation will teach English in Taiwan, where she is eager to immerse herself in the island’s diverse musical culture.
Scholarships, Awards, and Fellowships
The environmental studies major will be based at Makerere University, researching how local livelihoods around the Lake Victoria basin must be both adaptive and resilient in light of hydro-climatic disasters.
The German studies and economics double major will spend next year in Germany immersing herself in international dialogue and strengthening her teaching skills.
Sixty-five percent of the Fords who applied this year were selected as semi-finalists for the international fellowship program that funds research projects, courses of study, and English Teaching Assistant Programs.
The recent Fulbright fellow begins her English Ph.D. program at the University of Virginia this fall with financial support from this long-standing Haverford fellowship for graduate study.
The English major and German and philosophy minor will return to Germany, where he studied abroad last year, to enhance his teaching and language skills.
Five recent graduates earned 2019–2020 Fulbright Student Awards.
The English major from the Bronx will return to Barbados, site of her semester abroad, to research the relationship between Caribbean science fiction and the islands’ history at the University of West Indies, Cave Hill.
The physics and astronomy double major from Oakland, Calif., will spend next year conducting research at the Max Planck institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany.
The chemistry major from Seattle will spend next year at Lund University in Sweden, conducting research with his longtime collaborator Sara Linse.
The political science and Spanish double major is the sole recipient of the University College Dublin Taught Master’s Program Award, which she’ll use to study philosophy and public affairs.
The biology major from Sunnyvale, Calif., will spend next year at the University of Oslo in Norway, researching a toxic polypeptide associated with ALS and Frontotemporal Dementia in a cellular model.
Five recent graduates earned 2018–2019 Fulbright Student Awards.
Russell, who has spent the past few years as the managing artistic director of the Allentown Public Theatre, will further her theater studies at the Universität Gießen in Germany.
The philosophy and political science double major, who is currently pursuing an M.A. in nationalism studies at Hungary's Central European University, will spend next year at Kent Law School's master's in law program in the U.K.