
Students Headlines

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  • From its humble origins just four years ago, the Mock Trial Team soared higher than ever last weekend coming in 11th at the American Mock Trial Association’s National Championship.

  • Students in Haverford’s Mandarin program meet Wednesdays at noon in a private room in the Dining Center to practice their language skills over lunch.

  • The Muslim Students Association brings together Muslim-identifying students and those interested in Islam to provide religious resources and sites for discussion in the Bi-Co.

  • CPGC dove logo

    The Center will support the work of 64 Bi-Co students across Philadelphia, the United States, and the world this summer. 

  • George O'Hara portrait in front of flowers

    The chemistry and Russian double major will continue combining his love of the natural sciences and foreign languages in Kiev, Ukraine, where he will conduct research on the integration of addiction treatment and HIV services into primary care clinics.

  • The first Seeking Global Citizenship Symposium brought a host of visitors to campus to pose questions about ethical partnership, activism, and inquiry.

  • <em>The Review</em> has been Haverford College’s student-run literary magazine for over 20 years.

  • Maggie Steinberg portrait

    The Latin major has earned both a Haverford Classics Utraque Lingua grant and a fellowship from UC Berkeley to attend that university's Intensive Greek Workshop for 10 weeks this summer. 

  • The student group hosted its first Tri-Co coding symposium, which included a student-led programming workshop and a talk by Erica Greene ’10 of Jigsaw.

  • Sabrina Emms portrait

    The biology major's work on heart muscle cell proliferation as part of a research team at Thomas Jefferson University was published in the journal Development.

  • Is Friday the 13th unlucky? Not this month, when the mysterious annual campus tradition of Pinwheel Day, which marks the arrival of spring’s warm weather, brought sunshine and festive decorations to Founders Green.

  • An exhibition in the VCAM’s Create Space chronicles a first-year’s process of building a guitar from scratch using the building’s Maker Space tools.

  • Archery Club, founded in the fall by two sophomores, gives any interested students a weekly chance to better their bow-and-arrow skills.

  • The 13th annual ORALiTea grew into a new space this year, allowing students and faculty to recite selections from Latin and Greek literature to a robust crowd.

  • Sam Epstein portrait

    The chemistry major and biochemistry concentrator is one of 221 students from across the country chosen for the premiere undergraduate science scholarship of its kind.
