Alumni Headlines

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  • Mark Wong breakdancing

    The Haverford English major who started a campus breakdancing club now uses breakdancing as a teaching tool in Philadelphia and New Jersey schools. 

  • The mathematics major and psychology minor wrote his thesis using mathematical biology to examine how different types of cancer cells move throughout the body.

  • The psychology major and neuroscience minor is applying her academic passions to professional work at the Depression & Clinical Research Program at Massachusetts General Hospital.

  • Beth Cavener

    The sculptor’s work has been showcased in venues as eminent as Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  • The Haverford biology major started her full-time job as a genetics researcher for the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine just two days after graduation.

  • The chemistry major with minors in math and computer science completed a thesis focused on predicting protein stability through an interdisciplinary lens.

  • Richard Wenzel

    The epidemiologist-turned-novelist tells us how his work with microbes informs his writing.

  • A former sportswriter for The Bi-Co News and member of the Haverford baseball team, the English major landed an internship with the Tampa Bay Rays’ minor league affiliate, the Hudson Valley Renegades.

  • Greg Greenberg playing with the band Seven Circles

    When he’s not working as an ICU nurse, Greg Greenberg '05 plays bass with the Austin, Texas, band Seven Circles.

  • For her thesis, the sociology major explored the relationship between nonprofit organizations and social justice.

  • The math and linguistics double major with an educational studies concentration will continue her academic journey at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and pursue her dream of becoming a math teacher.

  • Alex Shahla headshot

    The Los Angeles-based "recovering lawyer" writes about when his parents first dropped him off at Haverford College, a moment that served as the inspiration for his debut novel, Lying To Children.

  • A student in Haverford’s 4 +1 engineering partnership with the University of Pennsylvania, Sherman is interning with Boeing before heading off to her final year of graduate school.

  • The physics major and economics minor is exploring a new realm—investment management—via a two-year, hands-on training program at Vanguard.

  • Phonathon callers

    Students, volunteers, and staff are reaching out by phone, email, and text message to encourage your participation in annual giving before the fiscal year ends on June 30. Your annual support makes a meaningful impact on the daily lives of students and deepens your connection with Haverford. Your participation sends an affirmative message to all who learn and teach here, and your gift strengthens everything we value in a Haverford education. Give online anytime, or connect by calling (866) GIFT-4HC during business hours. We want to hear from you!
