Haverford Headlines

  • The John C. Whitehead '43 Fund in Entrepreneurial Studies is supporting 28 Haverford students in summer internships in the finance and small business sectors.
  • The Meyermedia label has just released <em>The Realm of Possibility</em>, spotlighting pianist and Ruth Marshall Magill Professor Curt Cacioppo as its sole performing artist.&#160;Award-winning composer Mark Hagerty scored the music, dedicating the 36-minute title piece to Cacioppo.&#160;

  • Wong and his co-founders of Hip-Hop Fundamentals used Kickstarter to raise funds to bring their history-via-hip-hop program to underfunded Philly schools.

  • Istanbul resident Melis Cin '17 has taken part in the demonstrations in Taksim Square that have inspired citizens across the country to launch their own public protests against the government.
  • The publication featured a report by Waits, a former WHRC music director, on the“What is Radio?” conference hosted by the University of Oregon in Portland. Waits, who is a college radio DJ, blogger and independent scholar, presented a paper on the history of student radio at Haverford.

  • Highlighting faculty professional activities, including conferences, exhibitions, performances and publications.
  • The professor emeritus of history and author of <em>Murder in America: A History</em>, was quoted in an article that looks at how the economic recession could lead to increased crime rates.

  • The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist was one of the few Americans able to obtain a visa to go to Iran to cover this historic occasion. Read some of his work <a href="http://hav.to/r1">here</a>.

  • <em>Living the Hiplife</em> earned positive notices in the June edition of German magazine <em>Blätter des iz3w</em>.

  • The assistant professor of chemistry, along with her collaborator from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, is currently studying the kind of oil that is soluble in water as part of her research in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon spill.

  • Since Frankel and his partner pitched VerbalizeIt on the season finale of ABC's <em>Shark Tank</em> daily revenue has more than tripled.

  • His piece on Pennsylvania's hotly contested 8th district breaks down the past two elections and looks toward 2016 with regards to changing district maps.

  • A headshot of Sally on the left and Candace on the right.
    Josh Mussa '13, Sally Weathers '13 and Candace Jordan '12 will move to Abu Dhabi later this summer for a yearlong fellowship providing academic support and enrichment to the World's Honors College.
  • The Arthur Amos Noyes Professor of Chemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology is being recognized with the American Chemical Society's most prestigious honor.

  • The dean of academic affairs and associate dean of the College penned an essay for the At Work blog about the humanities, liberal arts education and the ever-shifting nature of "practical" majors.


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